Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 11 Aug. 2024
Compiled Sun. 11 Aug. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: What we think we know as of Sun. morning 11 Aug. 2024: (Rumors/Opinions)
A trusted military intelligence contact confirmed that GCR Liquidity release began at exactly 3:00 PM PDT on Wed. 7 Aug. 2024 and would unfold over the next 72 hours. “The Sovereign Committee and US federal government have just approved T4A and B payments – this has started Reno, Miami, and other East Coast states.”
Sources said the delays in setting Tier4b appointments (which were to be made starting Sat. 10 Aug.) were from making sure the QFS system and all the test clients were done perfectly so they can see their funds in their accounts (or hold SKRs) but would not be able to use these funds until the shotgun start has started.
The new currency rates were being traded on the Forex till Sunday 11 Aug. at 5pm.
Distributions are scheduled to begin after Sat. 10 Aug.
Sources said Monday/Tuesday for release of emails/800#
Over 1500 Farm Claims have been paid out.
Prosperity Packages National Guard deliveries started on Fri. 9 Aug.
Mid-September was anticipated to be a period of substantial activity of significant financial movement.
Understand that the Swift System might still be in use until all old currency has been declared useless, but those evil sources are still trying their best to keep it open or slow down the exchange.
Sat. 10 Aug. 2024 MarkZ: “Bond people received new paperwork this morning that appeared to have something to do with the release of their funds. Expectations of receiving funds were Mon and Tues. I was told by several sources that the rates I have been quoting were way low.”
Sat. 10 Aug. 2024 Wolverine:
I offer my condolences to the Patriots who died in the plane crash. I found this out about 1 a.m. that the people on the plane were 3 sovereign whales and the rest were managers, but in total 7 people who were part of the redemption in Brazil going there for humanitarian purposes to receive blessings to help thousands of people. Imagine the kind of people they were to receive to help thousands of people, and they were quite well known in the RV community breaks my heart. Charlie Wards flies all over the world and also MarkZ is flying all over, many places, and nothing has happened. I look at this as an accident and not sabotage, but I could be wrong.
In terms of me flying. I am not flying. My wife said not to fly. I am going to stay grounded. I will be under NDA when this thing happens. I have just made arrangements with the people I was supposed to see, but I decided not to fly for security’s sake, but still when this hits, I will be under NDA and you will not hear from me again. I was supposed to do something very important down there – I can’t tell you guys, and decided not to for securities sake. But still, when this hits, I will be under NDA and you won’t hear from me again. I will leave the room to Carpathia. My job will be done. I did all I could to help all of you and my conscious is clear.
At the end of the day, MY NDA MEANS THINGS HAVE STARTED and you guys will be blessed as well.
The new exchange rates will be traded on forex until Sunday August 11th at 5 pm.
Those holding ZIM bonds will receive an advance of 500 million dollars until structured payments begin. All non-Zim foreign exchange proceeds will be immediately available. For those who choose to place their funds under a structured payment program, there will be an advance of up to 250 million until the first SPP payment is made. Distributions are scheduled to begin after Saturday, Aug 10. Mid-September was anticipated to be a period of substantial financial movement activity.
I received a call from a Huge Whale, and all the platforms, all tables have been closed. They have been told to get ready to fly. So that person is flying now to Reno, right now as I speak.
People are getting their appointments. People are getting notifications for bonds. There are two platforms in San Paolo and Brazil in Tier4B Internet group platform, have receiving notifications. So, things have started rolling.
The Green Light means Tier4B, it gets us to the redemption center, bondholders get paid, Nesara Gesara kicks in, and this will be a new world, a greener world.
We are nearly there; people are getting paid Private contractors are being paid but we need that Green Light for all this and that is when the Opera comes out.
Sat. 10 Aug. 2024 World Statement of the Precatorias of Brazil, Mr. Salvage on Telegram:
A cordial greeting to all the participants of the program. The news of the death of four Whales in the crash of the plane from Brazil is unfortunate, this information is already going around the world, we want to clarify that these people are of sovereignty and not precatory.
All the leaders who are in Brazil are in perfect condition and working so that all of you can receive in the best way.
Thank you all for your patience and support. We are in Victoria! Doctor Julián.
In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, there is a ray of hope in the form of GESARA NESARA. This mysterious acronym means a significant change in world affairs.
The dismantling of ancient systems of government, education, finance, health and commerce is said to be underway, promising a new era for humanity. Could this be a ray of hope in these turbulent times?
Star-Link Satellite: Waiting for the Green Light: One of the most surprising claims is that the Star-Link satellite is ready to send emergency alerts to all mobile phones in the world. These satellites are reportedly on standby, waiting to transmit signals. If true, this would be an unprecedented step in the coordination of global events.
A Black Swan Lurking: A Global Stock Market Crash: Ominous predictions of an imminent black swan stock market crash are adding to rising tensions. Such an event could send shock waves around the world and lead to a global monetary transition that would affect 209 countries. The impact of such a crisis is beyond imagination and the world watches with bated breath.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Mnt Goat WOW! August news from Iraq is explosive. We now see many changes to the banking system and currency auctions. This as I am told is from the pressure of the Feds and the US Treasury. …As far as timeframes, my [CBI] contact told me to watch the progress of the banking reforms that the Feds are pushing. This includes the parallel market rate vs the CBI official rate and the currency auction levels.
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
Television now showing us articles, they’re holding them up saying the HCL has been held up for 19 years as a hostage. Now it’s being presented to the House of Representatives. FRANK: Your HCL is coming to you don’t worry about it…Once you see the HCL you wee the new exchange rate.
A Controlled CRISIS Is Coming, The US Economy Is Failing With Biggest Debt Crisis Ever
Atlantis Report: 8-11-2024
Lately, Americans have been receiving mixed signals about the U.S. economy. One day, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the U.S. economy was doing great.
The next day, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted that the de-dollarization process led to a weaker dollar.
Then, another Fed official assures us that inflation is headed towards the 2% target rate.
This constant flow of contradictory information has left many Americans confused and worried about the true state of their nation’s economy.
Despite its apparent resilience, the U.S. economy is facing significant challenges that are heading towards a controlled crisis.