EU Praises Iraq’s National Bank Lending Strategy

EU Praises Iraq's National Bank Lending Strategy

In a huge move toward reinforcing Iraq’s monetary area, EU Designation to Iraq Chargé d’affaires Mr. David Healy has communicated help for the send off of the National Bank of Iraq’s (CBI) Public Technique for Bank Loaning for 2024-2029.

This essential drive, created under the EU and Germany co-subsidized project “Reinforcing Public Funds and Monetary Business sectors in Iraq (FFM)” and executed by the German Organization for Global Participation (GIZ), plans to offer strong help to private area endeavors the country over.

Mr. Healy lauded the far reaching vision of the Methodology, featuring its capability to organize different apparatuses fundamental for driving positive change inside Iraq’s banking and monetary scene really.

The drive addresses a deliberate work to fortify the country’s monetary system and advance practical development through improved monetary instruments.