Expectations for the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules next week

Expectations for the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules next week

Representative Mudar Al-Karawi anticipated today, Saturday, that the government will provide the 2024 budget plans the following week.

The 2024 budget schedules are nearly finished in their major components, according to Al-Karawi, and it is anticipated that they would be presented to the House of Representatives the following week.

He stated, “The Finance Committee will begin, as soon as the schedules arrive, to conduct discussions and audits before referring them to the House of Representatives for a vote,” noting that “it is not possible to determine the nature of the items and points, but in any case, they will not differ greatly from the 2023 budget.”

The objective, whether security or service, is in accordance with the overall vision in accordance with the material capabilities and the budget’s capacity to withstand greater spending, he said, emphasizing “the importance of supporting some chapters.” The

The budget tables for 2024 are crucial because they establish the upper limit on public expenditure and resources that are available to fund state initiatives and get funding.