Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News for September 17th


Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News for September 17th

Good Evening DinarOpinions,

California sues major oil companies
The American state of California has sued a number of the world’s largest oil companies, accusing them of causing the climate crisis, the New York Times reported
The civil suit, which was filed in San Francisco, seeks the setting up of a special fund at the companies’ expense to compensate the state for the costs of climate change-related disasters.
The defendants are five companies: Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron, as well as the American Petroleum Institute.

Among other things, the state accuses them of a longstanding practice of underreporting the risks of hydrocarbon fuels and deceiving the public.

In recent years, similar lawsuits have been filed in courts of various instances by seven more American states and dozens of municipalities, the newspaper says.

We don’t even know how to joke here


Basel Committee will look at interest rate risk and liquidity reforms – Central Banking

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision will examine whether to change global regulations on interest rate risk and liquidity, its chairman announced on September 14.

Pablo Hernández de Cos said the committee would examine interest rate risk in the banking book, or IRRBB. The oversight body for the Basel Committee met earlier this week and agreed to examine both interest rate risk and Basel III’s liquidity rules.

👆We talked about this early this month. This would be a period of time when adjustments to Capital requirements would be made.

And now, over halfway in the month, we are seeing just that…

© Goldilocks


“Bond Tokens” are currently being distributed to Swift’s newly designed digital platform inside test wallets.

A bond token usually pays interest twice a year. The DTCC and Chainlink have joined forces to present this new offering inside the new digital economy.

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation provides clearing and settlement services for the banks and the markets.

As you can see, this is a big step for our Markets and Banks to create sustainable money flows providing liquidity for currency, foreign currency, and other sectors of the market.

© Goldilocks

Crypto Times Link
Investor Vanguard Link


Russia is going gold in global currency wars: Rouble vs the fiat currency system

Russia and Saudi Arabia are increasing the price of oil by creating more of a demand for it. As they continue to limit their production of oil, it will continue to create price pressures on the overall value of oil.

Although this will undermine the value of the Ruble over the Dollar, there are conversations taking place that the Ruble will be backed by gold soon or the introduction of a gold-backed BRICS currency is coming.

This will move us away from a Currency War to a Gold Standard Protocol. It will no doubt be a significant blow to the dollar and begin to level the playing field across the board on the new digital payment systems taking place under local currencies in the East.

Just the other day, we shared an article about the Global Gold Mutual Fund creating a gold standard for the Philippines with invitations for other countries to come on board by January the 20th, 2024.

Are we about to see new standard protocols inside the new digital asset-based trading system come into fruition?

© Goldilocks


BRICS: De-dollarization Summit


China cuts banks’ reserve ratio to aid recovery


Vietnam starting E-visa service for the business community: ambassador – Business & Finance – Business Recorder


The Future of Payments is Real-Time


Since 1971, no paper currency has been pegged to gold, except for the Swiss franc, which severed its gold linkage in 2000.

Today global debt is over $300 trillion.
Today, the gold price in China is trading at a RECORD premium compared to international prices.
The second-largest economy on the planet.



As our markets shift into tokenized assets, I just simply want to share a Memorial Song that reflects our transition into the new digital-asset-based trading system.

© Goldilocks


The Gold Shift Has Begun


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