Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 4-7-24


Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 4-7-24

  Good Evening ,

Been in contact with many of my sources throughout the day from Technical Developers to Banking contacts.

My understanding is that we are progressing well with the MICA regulations which stands for Markets in Crypto Assets.

These regulations will allow us to move forward with the new digital economy, and we are still on target to finish these by the end of May.

These are much-needed changes to the banking system that will allow us to move forward with new Banking and Market values. I would not expect anything to happen this month due to these updates.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take this time to enjoy your family and friends. These things mean so much more than anything we will receive monetarily going forward.

© Goldilocks


“These reforms improve the integrity and stability of domestic and global derivatives markets,” said Commissioner Johnson.

On April 9, Market Risk Advisory Committee Meeting of the CFTC will be convening on reforms of the derivatives markets which includes Forex.

There are other items on the agenda for this meeting, but this is the one that concerns most of us in this room.   CFTC

Yes, the forex is still doing their reforms on foreign currency.

© Goldilocks


Iraq is in the process of signing bilateral agreements that will support their infrastructure through their shipping ports.

This move will help Iraq to spend their money locally and support their own economy. Projects such as this will help justify new values on their Iraqi Dinar.

The agreement allows Iraq to level up their economy. It gives them a consistent and continued sustainable income to help many sectors of their Market grow and sustain themselves with a higher level of living.

It is decisions like these that allow a currency to feel and experience price pressures that are needed to raise its value for the good of the community and all that trade with them.   Arab News

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks


“Global trade is likely peaking now. According to a report by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.”

Many countries are beginning to manufacture products in their own country that used to be imported from others.

The last three Presidents have chosen not to make any changes to the judges that govern the World Trade Organization. This is being called an existential threat to the Global Economy.

For some time, the World Trade Organization has needed to change percentages in weight given to certain countries gaining momentum in trading relationships. Many of these changes are being refactored at the present time and expect to formulate new ratios by the end of the year.

These new ratios being calculated don’t keep us from a gradual incline in some of these currencies that are being placed on a More Level Playing Field with other countries until they reach an RV status.

Many of these changes needing to take effect will come about from new regulations, rather than, a rules-based decision that was made at Bretton Woods 2 in 1944.

This brings us up to where we are now, the regulation of our new digital economy will bring about the needed changes in trade relation weight ratios for our currencies around the world based on supply and demand going forward.

These new digital regulated (ie MICA) changes will form new price patterns on each country’s currencies and reset our Global Mechanisms to meet the needs of countries choosing to use their local currencies and trade over the dollar going forward.

When the World Trade Organization completes its new calculations to reform a new Global Trading Economy, Bretton Woods 3 will come into being.

There should be an announcement of this new agreement by Bretton Woods 3 that will lead us into much-needed changes around the world. JD Supra  Council on Foreign Relations  St Louis Fed

NOW, do you see why I keep asking you to WATCH THE WATER.

© Goldilocks



Specific foreign exchange derivatives include: foreign currency forward contracts, foreign currency futures, foreign currency swaps, currency options, and foreign exchange binary options. These instruments are called derivatives because their value is derived from an underlying asset, a foreign currency.  Springer


If you missed the Saturday Night Live breakdown of Goldilocks last night, you can listen to it here!

SNL Freedom-Jester 4-6-24

0:21 2:40:36

Goldilocks’ Telegram Room

or Click to Listen Here   [ Add attached mp3 here]  SNL Freedom-Jester 4-6-24.mp3


The Trade Winds Are Turning: Insights into the 2024 National Trade Estimate | CSIS


Room for rules-based global trade remains, but WTO showing signs of geopolitical tension |  Engineering News


USTR Issues Communication To WTO Members On Climate, Trade | RT News


The US and EU concluded a two-day session of their Trade and Technology Council on Friday ending up with a 12-page agreement between all parties involved. Economic Times India Times White House


‘Gold’ hydrogen: The next clean fuel? – E&E News by POLITICO 


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