Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 3-14-24


Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 3-14-24

Good Evening ,

The Securities and Exchange Board of the India is expanding their framework of Qualified Stock Brokers. This is expected to protect the interest of investors and expand compliance for Stock Brokers engaged in asset exchanges such is foreign currency and more.

These registration requirements for compliance and security are expected within 180 days of March the 8th, 2024. Global Index Providers do not fall under this category. You will be glad to know that many of the foreign currency trades fall under this category.

This does not exclude this sector of the market from expansion or security compliance issues. It will be going through these economic reforms as well. We are just simply not going to have to wait for these changes to be complete to move forward.

In other words, India is going through a re-indexing process inside their stock market that will enable them to expand their Foreign Currency Exchange Market through the Unified Payments Interface (UPI). The UPI will allow India to focus on their ability to connect to Global Banks near and far through payment systems inside the QFS.

This will allow India to expand their ability to trade with local currencies around the world, instead of, just a few that fall into the category of a World Reserve Asset and higher values in a few other currencies.    Affairs Cloud

© Goldilocks


Janet Yellen, United States Secretary of the Treasury is now on record as finally admitting that Higher Inflation and Higher Yields Are Here to Stay.

“It seems unlikely that yields are going to go back to being as low as they were before the pandemic.” Yellen.

Remember, this refers to the old Financial System. Under a Digital Gold Standard Financial System, we will witness gold deflating an inflated economy.

Our tokenized assets are currently being interfaced into the new QFS allowing us to move into a decentralized system incorporating new banking protocols along with trading protocols that will transform our markets into real values.

It will change monetary values in every sector of the market including Forex. This is why many have called it a Global Currency Reset, but it includes every sector of the market and banking system as well. Wolf Street

© Goldilocks


War Bonds are here…
Bond Investors Are Lining Up to Fund the War Against Putin. | 
Finance Yahoo


RBI, Indonesia’s central bank, signed local currency trade agreements. | IBEF


Digital Financial Asset Announcement:

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law allowing firms in the country to use digital financial assets including the digital ruble in international payments on March 11.

Moscow has fast-tracked the bill in an apparent bid to help domestic companies use digital tokens and CBDCs to evade sanctions.   Crypto News


Hong Kong Banking Announcement:

Hong Kong begins phase 2 of CBDC pilot
Hong Kong’s central bank will accept proposals on potential use cases of a digital Hong Kong dollar from industry participants until May 17.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has launched phase two of its e-Hong Kong dollar (e-HKD) pilot program and urged industry participants to apply and submit potential use cases for its central bank digital currency (CBDC).    Coin Telegraph


$27 Trillion Expected to Flow into XRP, $500 Possible? | YouTube


#Gold is stealing the spotlight this week, but where does #silver stand? |  Youtube


“Copper rally not over yet, Citi bullish on tighter supply outlook” | Investing

I believe the cryptocurrency for copper is XDC. Not a suggestion, just an observation. 😉


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