Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (03-15-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots on the ground report] FIREFLY: According to Alaq CBI Governor, developing cooperation with international banks and changing the CBI bank Law are priorities. Alaq also mentioned the $1.32 from 1320; if that’s the case, Iraq will want smaller notes for change if we get below 250 notes. FRANK: They’re hinting at what they’re going to give you. They’re having the talk openly so you can prepare…all of this is causing the state to increase the worth of your money.

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

The Coordinating Framework is attempting to eliminate Al-Sudani. The political situation is likely to be quite volatile. If Maliki fulfills his job and causes protests, the country will become unstable, as will the economy. All of these things are moving in the wrong way. We went from being high as hell and full of optimism to simply looking miserable.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Al Sudani has promised that the dinar will get stronger. $0.76 is not stronger, but if the zeros are removed, they may use their Real Effective Exchange Rate. A very different ballgame. Completely different conditions. Pay attention. Let’s see how this works out.

According to Guest Guru Harlequinc3 :

It assists me with considering it along these lines. 1.32 IQD to 1 USD implies it takes 1 entire dinar and .32 of ANOTHER dinar just to get $1. It’s not Exactly at a dollar. That’s $.76. So in the event that it was .50 IQD to 1 USD, that implies it just takes HALF of one entire dinar to rise to a dollar – – so that is a $2 rate. Assuming it was .33 IQD to 1 USD, that implies it just takes 1/3 of an entire dinar to rise to a dollar – – goodness, that is a $3 rate! [Dinar Master Note: The Dinar Master Adding machine consequently changes various conceivable dinar over completely to USD or USD to dinar rates. It tells you precisely the amount U.S. cash you get at the various rates. It’s straightforward and it’s allowed to utilize. You can find it in the route bar at the highest point of this page.]

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow].I feel like we’re approaching the final turn on the track. We’re getting ready – we’re in the last stretch before crossing the finish line…

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Article Quote: “The Iraqi government is presently considering altering the currency such that the official cost of a US dollar is 1.32 Iraqi dinars rather than 1320 dinars. Implementing such a move is likely to boost Al-Sudani’s popularity. Everyone understood that the exchange rate would be $1.32. That is not what the article states. It states that the official cost of the US currency will be 1.32 Iraqi dinars…I’m thinking this indicates that $1 USD will get you 132 Iraqi dinars. That would be a great rise in Iraq’s exchange rate. That’s a 90 percent rise.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

The text reads: “Among them concerns the dinar… the outcomes of Parliament’s finance meeting with the Central Bank” ALL THEY TALK ABOUT IS 1.32 AND THE INTRODUCTION OF THE LOWER NOTES!!! Finally… the sound heard all around the world! This is truly occurring. This is the reality. Monetary reform to increase the value of the currency and subsequently allow it to float globally is a reality…because it is printed.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Petra :

Early Monday morning, an article appeared revealing that Sudan was considering adjusting the dinar rate from 1310 to 1.32, which is equivalent to $0.79 in the United States. The very next day, we receive an item discussing the new little category notes. They’re talking rate and notes. And then you have Tannini, the Commerce Director, talking about how a surprise may come within hours in terms of their monetary reform…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound GuruSamson :

“Parliamentary Finance: We look forward to coordinating with the Central Bank to increase the value of the dinar and control the market”

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK]. We still don’t know when it will happen, but I will remind you that the weekend before last, they organized a committee to assist companies and individuals in preparing for the shifting rates and pricing that will occur. This is enormous.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

Prime Minister Sudani delivered a declaration…He informed Iraqis that he was going to provide value to their money. He took a formal oath, swearing to Allah, their God. You do not go about breaching that vow. It was wonderful to know that the Prime Minister had promised the people that they would increase the worth of the currency…Sudani informed the population that we will hike it to $1.32.He said that if we remove the three zeroes from the exchange rate, we will be able to pay you $1.32 in nation. That equates to high purchasing power.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Newspaper article: “After hosting the Governor… Parliamentary Finance: We look forward to raising the value of the dinar” According to a news release, “…Thursday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee expressed its aspiration to coordinate with the Central Bank to increase the value of the dinar and control the market.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

There are many people who wish to force the restoration, which is equivalent to me telling you that on March 19th (the first day of spring), everything will change overnight and we will have spring. But we all know it doesn’t operate that way, therefore we must use this logical example to compare our RV investment. Just as Mother Nature has a plan for spring, so does the CBI, and it takes time to execute it.