Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 4-18-24


Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 4-18-24
Good evening ,

Watch XRP! It is the coin that moves all coins. Once the SEC and Ripple case is settled, look for the QFS System to be given the green light to move forward.

© Goldilocks


In order to be on an even playing field with other currencies around the world, the EU has raised their Capital requirements.  It was discovered in 2023 that many of the currencies they were currently trading with were no longer in sync.

These foreign exchange risks were discovered in the second half of last year. This has led the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) to reduce the number of correlated currencies they were trading.  Europe is a major player, and to compete Globally has forced them to reset their currency Market pairs.  Risk

© Goldilocks



WASHINGTON (Reuters) – “U.S., Japanese and South Korean finance leaders agreed to consult closely on foreign exchange and market developments in a trilateral meeting on Wednesday, they said in a joint statement issued by the U.S. Treasury Department.”

These meetings are becoming more and more frequent. As we get closer to Global regulations on cryptocurrency through MICA, the new digital economy will reset a lot of prices across all sectors of the markets.

Our tokenized assets are as these words imply. These digitized assets are now supported by commodities. Our Stablecoins representing our countries’ currencies are backed by gold.

Everything is about to be backed by gold. It is the bridge into the next economy as it has been throughout history when we have crossed over from one economic world to another.

Our ability to adapt to these changes will signify a willingness to live in the New World. It is a mind, body, and soul transformation. Time is getting close. Be ready.  US News

© Goldilocks


“On Tuesday, April 16, Bybit published a new report, providing a detailed analysis of the Bitcoin halving event set to take place this month. The crypto firm disclosed that the Bitcoin reserves within the world’s crypto exchanges have been depleting at a rapid pace, leaving only nine months of BTC supply left on exchanges.”

This new trend is expected to drive the price of Bitcoin up. The more scarce it becomes, the more valuable it will be in the short run.

Bitcoin has been known to drive prices up in the cryptocurrency world. As we shift into a digital economy, there are new cryptocurrencies that will begin new protocols inside this new digital framework.

Their connection to Bitcoin will help raise their value going forward. As new demands are placed on these new digital assets that will move our Global Economy, it will be the demand for them in the future that will begin to place price pressures on their existence based on their use case scenarios.

Our world is clearly in transition, and the more we learn about it the better off we can be in integrating our lives into it.

We are in the process of carving out a path into this new digital asset-based trading system. It will change us in ways many of us did not anticipate.

Staying focused and intentional about your new place in the world will be a vital step and becoming a part of it.   News BTC

© Goldilocks


“Gold at Historical Highs as Mid-East Tensions Persist; Pound Rises on UK CPI Data” | Investing


Banking Announcement:

“JP Morgan is setting out to potentially disrupt its own foreign exchange overlay business with a new execution method that allows clients to place multiple dealers in competition for trades, while using the bank’s credit standing to secure the best price.” | 
FX Markets


Vietnam Stock Market Sharp Drop IQD Rate Flux Haiti’s Progress Gold  Prices | Youtube


Press Release
SEC’s Division of Investment Management to Host Second Annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Asset Management  

Conference topics will include:
Trends in Asset Management Products and Strategies:

* Asset Management Trends: Past,
* Present and Future
* Technology-Driven Trends
* Regulatory Perspectives


Ripple Vs. SEC Saga: CLO Provides Clarity On Next Steps In Lawsuit | Bitcoinist



Hong Kong’s hotly anticipated spot bitcoin ETFs are expected to launch by end of April, potentially yielding up to $25 billion in capital inflows according to industry analysts. | Bitcoin Magazine



I will have two big meetings Monday to know how close we are , process is advancing so we are getting close , I will update Monday, blessings .


Iraq: Over 14 Agreements Signed Between Iraq and US BREAKING NEWS from Congres | Youtube



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