Investment Opportunity: Waste-to-Energy Power Plant

Investment Opportunity: Waste-to-Energy Power Plant

The establishment of a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) power production facility in the Baghdad Governorate/Al-Nahrawan area has been announced as an investment opportunity by the Iraqi National Investment Commission (NIC), in partnership with the Ministry of Electricity, the Municipality of Baghdad, and the Ministry of Environment.

Project Specifics:

The project intends to produce three thousand tons of electricity per day from mixed solid waste.
With Grate Incineration Technology, it highlights great efficiency beginning with the fourth generation.
Important prerequisites include a garbage rate of less than 5% and a power generating efficiency of more than 30%.

Complete declaration from NIC:

Publication of a Global Investment Opportunity

Waste Energy-Powered High-Efficiency Plant

Technology for Grate Incineration (4th Generation Upwards)

DBOO stands for Design, Build, Own, and Operate.

In accordance with Investment Law No. (13 of 2006 amended), applicable guidelines, and legally binding rulings, the National Investment Commission, in coordination and cooperation with the Municipality of Baghdad, the Ministry of Electricity, and the Ministry of Environment, announces an investment opportunity to establish a power generation station from mixed solid waste (WtE). The following requirements will apply to the project, which will take place on land No. (3/1/43626) in the Baghdad Governorate/Al-Nahrawan area:

  1. An estimated 3000 tons of mixed solid trash are produced per day.
  2. High-efficiency grate incineration technology (fourth generation and above) with an electrical power generation efficiency greater than thirty percent and a landfill rate less than five percent is required for the production of electricity from mixed solid waste.
  3. The marketing period runs for 120 days, beginning on Sunday, November 8, 2023, and ending on Tuesday, December 8, 2023, with 30 days dedicated to buying the investment portfolio.
  4. International businesses and investors who would want to apply for the investment opportunity must visit the National Investment Commission’s offices to acquire the investment portfolio with the necessary terms and details for five million Iraqi dinars, which is a non-refundable charge. Authorized employees of the firm will be awarded the “entry visa” following the submission of an official request via email to
  5. After November 5, 2023, working days from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Baghdad time, contact the National Investment Commission’s One-Stop Shop Department for further information about the project.
  6. Investment bids are required to be submitted to the bid reception committee at the National Investment Commission headquarters within a maximum of 120 days after the announcement date. The investment offers must be received by Monday, March 8, 2024, at 12:00 PM (Baghdad time).
  7. Two weeks before to the closing date, a conference will be conducted at the National Investment Commission’s headquarters to address any questions from investors and interested foreign firms.
  8. The National Investment Commission analyzes investment bids based on a set of criteria, therefore it is not required to accept the lowest pricing.
  9. Bids will be opened at the National Investment Commission headquarters on Tuesday, March 8, 2024, following the offer deadline.

Contact or +9647721111541 on a cell phone for further details.