Iran, Iraq Extend Gas Contract for Another 5 Yrs

Iran, Iraq Extend Gas Contract for Another 5 Yrs

From Tasnim, under a Creative Commons licence. Any opinions expressed are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of

The Chief of the Public Iranian Gas Organization (NIGC) said the gas contract among Iran and Iraq, which would complete toward the finish of June 20, 2024, was stretched out for an additional five years.

Majid Chegeni offered the remark on the second day of the 28th Iran Global Oil, Gas, Refining and Petrochemical Display (Iran Oil Show), which is in progress at the Tehran Super durable Worldwide Carnival.

Iran consented to trade its gas to adjoining Iraq for an additional five years, he expressed, Mehr detailed.

Presently, the two nations have great relations in the field of energy, and the authorities of the two sides will fortify these connections, he underscored.

Going to the assemblage of the seventh Five-Year Financial and Social Advancement Plan, the appointee oil serve said Iran needs $42 billion in speculation to create infrastructural activities of the organization, $20 billion of which is given through homegrown and unfamiliar sources.

The Iran Oil Show gives extraordinary open doors to organizations, makers, providers, business media, and different activists in related areas to grandstand their most recent items, administrations, accomplishments, advancements, and business thoughts.

The display will go through May 11.