Iraq is discussing with Türkiye the resumption of oil exports through Ceyhan

Iraq is discussing with Türkiye the resumption of oil exports through Ceyhan

Basem Nagemesh, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Natural Resources Committee, disclosed discussions between Turkey and Iraq to resume oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan today, Friday.

“There is interest in the oil file with the Turkish side, as the matter is discussed in various meetings and discussions taking place between Baghdad and Ankara,” Naghimesh stated in an interview.

“The main dispute with the region and the Turkish government relates to the export of oil through the port of Ceyhan and the illegal contracts approved by the Federal Supreme Court and the International Court, where discussions are taking place in order to resolve this issue and return to exporting oil through the Turkish port,” he continued.

That’s what he expressed “the oil sends out record will be available in the Iraqi-Turkish conversations to get back to continuing commodities, notwithstanding there being a few feelings of trepidation of Turkey attempting to deal with Iraq over the oil document and connecting it to the nation’s portion of water.”