Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (01-12-2025)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

[Update on Iraqi Bank Friend Aki] The whole Middle East is being dedollarized. They must have a new currency and exchange rate, and they must only utilize IQD.

According to Newshound Guru Jeff :

The budget is being removed from the shelf.I informed you that until they were almost ready to revalue, the budget would remain on the shelf gathering dust. The budget has been sitting on the shelf gathering dust since October 8th. What January-related information did I provide you? January is a very important month, I added. Don’t lose sight of it.They are now discussing taking the budget off the shelf and asking parliament to approve the budget schedules. Now that they’re almost ready to revalue the currency, things are finally getting ready to happen and come forward.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

I attempt to be calm cool and gathered as plenty as feasible due to the fact i will be honest with you, this transition, while it takes place goes to be something that everyone’s going to need to address and it’ll be a shock. just like the arena bank had stated to not simply us however they said to the countries of the arena, be prepared for shock. They stated it in writing that, hiya, be organized for surprise and while Iraq does a massive circulate and other currencies are involved markets can be stunned to a few diploma…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Twenty years ago, I purchased Dinar at Well Fargo. They stopped after learning about what was happening in 2012 and 2014, however they no longer claim that it is a fraud after learning about the correspondence between them and the U.S. Treasury.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

SENDER: It’s rather valuable, so I suppose they can’t obtain it over there. According to the brother, pallets of the smaller notes are in the vault, but no one has yet to receive them. If they discover that he took this photo, I suppose he might face severe consequences. FRANK: If I have this right, your buddy who works as a contractor and his interpreter has a friend who works at a bank. He snapped a photo and sneaked it out, giving it to your friend, who then provided it to you? SENDER: That’s right. FRANK: It met three requirements, but the packaging caught my attention the most. [Post 2 of 2]

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Talking about a picture of an unidentified lower note that Frank received] SENDER: [picture of the known 250 and 500 dinar notes] What’s that [note] below it? FRANK: I’m not sure what it is. Where did you purchase this? SENDER: It comes from an Iraqi contractor. FRANK: The packaging is what draws my attention, not only the color I see there. SENDER: According to my friend, his interpreter friend, who goes on patrols with him every day, gave him the photos. The brother of the interpreter is employed at a tiny bank.To capture this shot, he had to buy the brother three bottles of Old Spice perfume. [Post 1 of 2…watch this space]

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

The article: “Trump’s envoy on his way to Iraq.. A new message to Al-Sudani” According to a report “An American envoy is expected to arrive in Baghdad, carrying direct messages from Trump about the security of the region and Iraq’s role in it”

According to Newshound Guru Kaperoni :

[Question on Guru Kaperoni’s post from 1-11-2025 below] “How can they do that and never add value to the Dinar?” Around the world, a lot of currencies have poor exchange rates. The prosperity and economic expansion of a nation are reflected in an increase in the exchange rate, which is never an act of chance. Value can only be increased by promoting Iraq’s success and prosperity.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

We were absolutely correct when we predicted that the dollar auctions would stop, and they have. I am grateful that it has occurred because, like everyone else, I am anticipating what I possess.

According to Newshound Guru Jeff :

It is not necessary to pass legislation in order for the rate to alter. Don’t be discouraged if they keep up their usual pattern and tendency of failing to reach a quorum or having too many disagreements, which results in the rescheduling of the parliamentary session. That’s something I kind of expected to happen.In any case, don’t worry about it because it has no effect on the rate change.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

I paid attention to [the parallel black market rate] last week.It was 1310 on Sunday, 1275 on Monday, 1170 on Tuesday, and 1160 on Wednesday. I think Sudani wants to reach 1,000 on the illegal market. I think the game is on when he does. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the next phase. They are observing the illicit black market; the dollar is losing value; the CBI is to be commended for halting the auctions.The next phase is almost here.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

I’m really excited.This weekend, a lot of positive news is emerging from Iraq.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow] I have been advising you all to inquire about the contract rate in dinar, which would be significantly greater if you had Iraqi dinar. I have a general idea of what it is. It’s a lot higher. I was also informed that they had already decided to provide the contract pricing to all Dinar members after discussing this on their conference call. Here’s the catch, though. Ask them for the contract rate if you have dinar and you visit a redemption facility without being offered it.