Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (02-25-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Intel GuruFrank26 :

Iraq is out in front of us. The Iraqi citizens…are previously taking their 3-zero notes and counting on them and opening records since they realize the financial change has taught them…All of an unexpected ledgers just detonated in Iraqi banks…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Iraq will detonate with development. We as a whole realize that…You will give a great many positions and fabricate 10 modern urban communities, a huge number of homes…it makes a ton of development. It makes a great deal of occupations…

According to Guru Nader From The Mid East :

If no one proclaims the war to be over—we are still in combat—the RV will not take place. They withdrew their soldiers in December 2021, but they never announced the war’s conclusion or disbanded the international alliance. They need to announce the battle to be over in order for anything to happen. The multinational alliance must depart from that location. The American forces need to leave that area. Naturally, they will establish bases in Iraq, but they will only do so as friendly bases—not as theaters of war.Biden won’t do it, in my opinion.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

From 2004 to 2024, Iraq’s interest rate averaged 6.17%; it peaked at 20% in December 2007 and fell to a record low of 4% in March 2016. Even though 6.17% is a significant percentage, they are still having problems convincing Iraqis to deposit their money in banks. There is a bank deposit protection mechanism in Iraq that is comparable to the FDIC in the US. [Dinar Guru] NOTE: To put this in perspective, the typical US bank account offers.47%. There are high return savings accounts available with rates as high as 5%.

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Without a doubt, the Development Road Project will make Iraq a hub for transportation. There will be heavy traffic passing through the area. [But] the article states that “Iraq has postponed the launch of its $7 billion development road project to early 2025…” Hi there, just keep in mind not to count your chickens before they hatch. We are discussing Iraq. This occurs frequently.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel GuruFrank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: Given that the HCL is a crucial issue for us as residents, the whole city is uneasy and incensed by its continued neglect. All of them [the parliament] left today. They indicated they don’t know when or if they would pass the measure since they can’t agree on it. That is a bunch of bullshit, Ka-Ka. What do you mean that you are unsure of when you will pass it? You do not need to pass it!

According to Intel Guru yada :

Is it true that we’re waiting for Forex till 5 o’clock? yada: For the markets to open, not necessarily for the FOREX. Following the rate adjustment, the lower denoms will be published virtually simultaneously. With the rate adjustment, all of the contracts from the Davos conference, the Baghdad forum, and the OTC that concluded on the 22nd are now activated.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :

Newspaper article: “Washington: Senator Coons is holding important talks with our partners in Baghdad”

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Quote from the article: “The advisors to the prime minister are not aware of the size of the projected deficit in the 2024 budget. This matter is currently solely under the purview of the Ministry of Finance and is entirely closed.” A portion of the government is currently unaware of what is to come. Why? Since they are not required to know… According to the article, “…no one know what they include… numbers and details.” Nobody is aware until the very last minute. Why? thus they have to keep it close to the vest.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel GuruFrank26 :

The article is titled “Trade: Forming a committee to price foodstuffs, limit their rise, and exploit crises” THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SEE NEXT…A committee led by Alaq and his cabinet has been established to do the necessary repricing in light of the new exchange rate. What is the takeaway from all of this? I’m thrilled. Like I said, you ought to be.

According to Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow] This event is not taxed. The transactions we’re doing aren’t subject to taxes on your part.Its tax-free design was intentional. [Note from Dinar Gurus: Certain gurus believe the dinar is not subject to taxes, while others believe it is a capital gain and that ordinary income will be subject to taxes. In the end, the IRS’s opinion is the only one that counts. Consult your tax consultants when it’s suitable to ascertain the right tax for your particular situation.]

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Although none of my three contacts at the redemption center had been called into work, they acknowledged that it is always possible. They are instructed to be ready for what might be a very hectic week this week. They’ve already warned them twice or three times about it, but they did let them know that they could have to put in a lot of overtime this week. The banks are forced to stay in a state of constant readiness for when the trigger is pulled. They are thus ready for what may be an extremely hectic workweek.