Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (02-5-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Did Pimpy not mention that the currency rate between Iraqi dinars and dollars would fluctuate a little bit during the first quarter? Yes, I continue using that account. It won’t be anything major, in my opinion. In the event that the exchange rate is altered, it will increase gradually. It doesn’t mention anywhere that’s what they’re planning to do.If they did, it would be absolutely wonderful, but even if they did, there wouldn’t be any significant changes.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

Every good person and every bad person will know as soon as this news is publicized. Evildoers seek out chances to exploit the kindness of others…Ensure that you assemble a team and a lawyer. That’s the squad you want. I’ll have security, attorneys, accountants, and a familiar IRS agent. To keep my wife and I safe, a security team leader will accompany me. You are changing into something new. You’re getting a lot more value. Many malevolent individuals prey on the nice ones…

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] This particular financial tale…Someone got in touch with a financial institution management.They should attempt to relax, the manager said, since it will come sooner than you think.and I anticipate that it will take place in February. This comes from a financial system professional with training.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

It is not going to happen that the Iraqi Central Bank announces publicly that tomorrow it will drop the three zeros and reveal the actual rate, which will be at X [rate]. That is not what they will do. Additionally, the Minister of Finance will not declare, “Hey, by the way, I’m going to order the Central Bank of Iraq to do whatever they got to in order to change the value of the currency.” The US Federal Reserve, World Bank, IMF, US Treasury, and Bank of International Settlements are not either.

According to Newshound Guru Fnu Lnu :

People will do what they must when you punish a nation so severely that its children are starving and there are essentially no medical supplies available, not to mention a currency that is worth less than toilet paper.This explains why criminal activity is such an issue in Iraq. Raised in the shadows, two generations have done whatever it takes to gain access to food and medication.The only cure for a criminal nation is prosperity. People are less likely to turn to crime when they are employed, successful, able to support their family, and feel proud of their life. Iraq is now at this point. Iraq cannot return to the land of the living unless there is a swift and significant revaluation of the currency.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

The article: “8 Iraqi banks banned from participating in the window of buying and selling foreign currency” The currency auctions were prohibited for eight institutions.I assume that they were discovered smuggling cash into Iran. That is typically the case.

According to Newshound Guru Henig :

The article “Iraq bans 8 local banks from US dollar transactions” was published by Reuters. Translation: “Iraq has banned eight local commercial banks from engaging in U.S. dollar transactions, taking action to reduce fraud, money laundering and other illegal uses of U.S. currency days after a visit by a top U.S. Treasury official.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :

Article: “Banqueting eight Iraqi banks from taking part in the foreign exchange buying and selling window: document”

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] There’s been a lot of news this weekend from Iraq. a great deal of it on Iraq’s economic might. Currently, they are the seventh-ranked central bank in terms of metal purchases. Consider that. Despite not being a member of the G7 or G20, they rank seventh in terms of gold bullion purchases. This is incredible. They further note that their oil export earnings to the US currently exceed those of Saudi Arabia. Numerous publications highlight Iraq’s high level of financial stability. This seems to be a sign that the value of their money will shift.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

I believe that everything needed to support the budget is being provided to the Iraqi government this week. The Central Bank of Iraq has concluded all of its meetings with all of the participants in the monetary reform. Every contract is in place and waiting for this to occur as well.

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

You’ve probably already heard that the US is hitting more targets by this point.The last thing we want to see is an increase in violence. An urgent conference was held to determine what Iraq needs or wants to accomplish. We hope that they will choose not to engage in hostilities with the United States.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru RayRen98 :

GOOD NEWS: A REPUTABLE SOURCE ANNOUNCES THAT THE BOMBINGS WERE “ACCOUNTED FOR” IN THE RV’S PREDECTION. Thus, it seems as though everything is proceeding “on schedule” as instructed.