Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (03-23-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

News Release “Statement from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the Visit of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’a Al-Sudani of Iraq to the White House” From the “On April 15, President Joe Biden will welcome Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’a Al-Sudani of Iraq to the White House to coordinate on common priorities and reinforce the strong bilateral partnership between the United States and Iraq.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

Refrain from going to the bank when this blessing appears. Don’t trip over other people or yourself. Stroll. Give it some time. Study. Take a look. Make inquiries. Learn from the errors made by others. That is the action of a smart person. Avoid going to the bank. Be patient and fully aware of what you are doing. [NOTE: Verify that you are subscribed to the official Dinar Guru alert list. You will receive the excellent, terrible, and ugly in return. It’s free to enter your name and email address in the blue box at the top of this page.]

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Community Comment “Pimpy needs to realize that the project to remove the zeros has nothing whatsoever to do with outside investors in Iraq.” In America, our 25,000 note will be a 25,000 note. You must have assumed that we could use the old money and swap it for the current rate if they were to rename the currency inside of Iraq and alter the conversion rate to $0.76. It is not going to occur. Right now, I’m telling you that won’t happen.The 25 dinar would be equal to 25,000 dinar.The actions taken by Iraq regarding its currency have an impact on global currency values.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

“Iraq’s Al Sudani to the White House to coordinate shared priorities and strengthen the robust bilateral partnership between the United States and Iraq,” the article states. The leaders will reiterate their adherence to the agreement on the strategic framework.” I appreciate that they would reiterate it, meaning that if they do so, the United States will not change. From “Al Sudani of Iraq to the White House on the 15th of April.”

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

The new exchange rate is the only thing we are awaiting. The new exchange rate is what the HCL is awaiting.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Jeff :

Newspaper article: “The White House announces the date of Sudanese’s visit to Washington” According to three publications, Iraq’s prime minister, Sudani, will visit Washington, DC on April 15th to meet with US officials and Joe Biden.Iraq has recently formally provided you with the date of the pricing change for these products. No, April 15th is not coming. The date of your rate modification is not April 15th. (Kuwait, Sunday, March 24, 1991.)

According to Newshound Guru Samson :

“Visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’a Al-Sudani to the White House” is the article title. Translation: “On April 15, President Joe Biden will welcome Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’a Al-Sudani of Iraq to the White House to coordinate on common priorities and reinforce the strong bilateral partnership between the United States and Iraq.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow] We’ve been hearing for the past few days that we would get this blessing and that the RV will begin an exchange between now and Sunday.And it does appear really nice.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

The article says “For the first time, dollarization decreased by 20% in Iraqi markets”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

There won’t be much more talk about “deleting the dinars.” You’ll hear the term “thinning” quite a bit.They are employing that tactic with the Iraqi populace. The number of dinars on the street is decreasing. The exchange rate’s zeros are being reduced. Already, the CBI is executing it.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

“Iraq will leave government cash dealing and switch to 100% electronic collection in mid-2024,” the article said. Thus, based on the surface reading of today’s story, it appears that Iraq will “switch to 100% Electronic collection by mid-2024,” meaning they will do away with all paper cash. However, I can guarantee you that this is not the case. The Dr. Shabibi plan, which I am aware of and have been closely adhering to, also makes no mention of their doing away with cash entirely. This will mark a significant turning point in the banking reform process.Iraq claims that the electronic payment process will be finished by the middle of 2024, despite their ongoing difficulties. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Comment: The Kuwait RV’s anniversary is March 24.A good moment to let it go would be now. MarkZ: It would, indeed.that would place it on Sunday, a suitable day to complete it.