Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (07-31-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Iraq’s news is still looking bright. It is what we are hoping to hear. We appreciate that they are keeping up the changes while also trying to raise the standard of living for Iraqis.Are you all beginning to lose interest in the good news? Really? Positive things appear to happen on a daily basis to the extent that they are practically taken for granted.

According to Newshound Guru PompeyPeter :

As of right now, we lack a speaker. We still don’t have a budget, and the Gazette still hasn’t published 4782. Is there really anyone who doesn’t understand the significance of that? I think it’s quite clear that everything is related to the rate. There are a ton of laws that are prepared to be implemented but are awaiting the rate. articles published today discussing the hope that the Oil and Gas Law will be passed. It requires a rate. That clearly accounts for a sizable portion of the money. Since the budget is awaiting the rate, it hasn’t been released yet.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

The article “The bank’s new building is set to open soon” The building housing the central bank is about to open. It is planned for either the beginning of next year, which is still not too far away from a few months, or the end of this year, which is a few months from now. Translation: “…38 floors with offices, meeting rooms, storage places of fortified money and gold.” I adore that section. Quote: “The opening of the central bank building will be accompanied by a very large ceremony…” It will be rather significant.In 2018, construction commenced. It’s been almost 6 six years.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[through PDK] I can see you the news emerging from the Kurdish locale is perfect. ” The Kurdish government used wisdom to end the crisis. “He claims that Baghdad has no more excuses. They are discussing the HCL and say they have settled it. They anticipate that Baghdad should elastic stamp the HCL. ( Hydrocarbon Law): We were always told that after the HCL was finished, they would release the RV in a few days or hours. It’s a critical piece for pushing ahead with their changes. Between now and August 5th, they will have the HCL pounded out, signed, and official, according to what I hear. The Iraqi banking industry is abuzz with optimism regarding their potential (RV?) I still hope they release it today, fingers crossed, within that time frame…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru RayRen98 :


According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

US Treasury will not bide its time. They are quick to take action. That is what the superiors are saying.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

The Article: “With a large celebration attended by dignitaries, the opening date of the “architectural masterpiece” of the Central Bank was revealed” “It is planned for the end of this year or the start of next year, 2025, at the latest,” the statement reads. The Central Bank’s new structure, which will stand at a height of 172 meters and include 38 stories with offices, conference rooms, and other spaces, will debut as the first architectural marvel. Strong storage facilities for currency and precious metals, together with many festivity spaces and a theater.”

According to Newshound Guru Breitling :

Put on your big boy pants, please. Article: “The US Federal Reserve changes its approach to Iraq. The dollar faces danger from reaching previously unheard-of heights.” They are discussing how impending policies will put the dinar in jeopardy. There are a few causes behind it.The notion that people in Iraq are in favor of Hezbollah’s desire to establish its headquarters in Baghdad, regardless of whether they really carry it out or not…It favors Iran far too much. It favors anti-American markets too much. They will thus pay a price for it.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

His reforms are under the control of Sudani. Definitely, you actually got a ton of miscreants. When you’ve been able to steal all your life and you rely on it, and then it stops all of a sudden, you go into shock. Your sugar money stopped. Panic is what makes the bad guys in Iraq keep trying to steal this monetary reform because it will bring a new exchange rate, purchasing power, and lower notes. In any case, in the event that you do that, it’s basically impossible to take the cash any longer. It’s great for the Iraqi residents…

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

There has been some retaliation. Some people just oppose Iraq’s progress since it will mean that their source of income would disappear. It’s intense because that’s what we’re witnessing.The past few weeks have been incredibly impactful…We are witnessing the writing of history.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

It is a steep struggle to have their money restored for use in Iraq. They have to battle these globalists head-on. However, they are also partially to blame for some of the issues as they had the power to control the dollar more effectively and stop money laundering and corruption. However, they didn’t. The strategic plan also includes dates for reinstatement that have not been reached and must be moved up immediately.