Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (10-05-2023)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinions

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] Firefly and Sudani are discussing their country’s independence and sovereignty, emphasizing their refusal to be ruled by others. Frank congratulates them on achieving their goals and announces that their country is now free from restrictions, secure, stable, and has met the requirements set by Dr. Shabibi, the author of their monetary reform plan, for releasing the new exchange rate and currency.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] According to a report in the WSJ, Iraq requested $1 billion in cash from the US, but their request was declined. The country is currently facing difficulties in acquiring foreign currency due to remaining sanctions and controls. Becoming fully recognized internationally and implementing a rate change could alleviate some of their financial struggles. The stakes are high for Iraq in this situation.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

Article: Iraq has received its second Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which is part of the 10 airplanes that the country has ordered. According to international research and reports, travel in the Middle East is expected to increase by more than 40% in the coming years.

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

According to a community comment, it will take at least 2 to 3 years for something to reach its full potential, provided it stays on track. The commenter suggests that it should go up in increments, so people should not get frustrated if it takes a while. By the time it reaches its full potential, it may take around 1 to 1 years.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Jeff :

Article: The influence of the United States still looms large over Iraq. The country’s OPEC dollars are under the possession and control of the US government in Washington DC. The reason for this is the UN resolutions, specifically the Chapter 7 sanctions, from which Iraq has not yet been fully released. As a result, the US is exerting pressure on Iraq. The question remains – what needs to be done to break free from this American dominance?

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

We have observed evidence of international financial transactions on the 28th of October. Private banks have opened with Aki, who is a friend of Guru Walkingsticks in Iraq and resides in the US. Additionally, Independence Day was observed on Tuesday, October 3rd. However, we have not yet seen any indication of the HCL. Why is that? Let me ask you something: Has the new exchange rate been released? No, right? As I mentioned before, the moment the HCL is introduced, we will witness the new exchange rate in the very next moment.

According to Iraqi Dinar Guest Guru Pompey Peter :

Becoming a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is significant because it allows countries to trade goods freely without any restrictions. They can also impose taxes and tariffs at the border and engage in international trade without needing an “oil-for-aid” process. In order to become a member, a country must have an international currency and meet the requirements of Article VIII. This means that it must have a stable exchange rate and be able to participate in international trade without any restrictions.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ  :

[via PDK] MarkZ was asked if there was any news on Iraq’s acceptance into the WTO, to which he replied that he had no information yet. He also stated that this topic might be significant and that the authorities might be deliberately withholding the news from the public. He believes that if the news were disclosed before the official announcement, it would cause a surge in the demand for the Iraqi dinar, making it a clear signal of a rate change. Therefore, his best guess is that Iraq has already been accepted, and we are waiting for the official announcement of the new value of the dinar.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

According to my interpretation, the opening date for Iraqi private banks on October 1st was set for the purpose of aligning with the HCL. A major objective was to establish an international online presence prior to the HCL payments, which they have achieved.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Iraq recently declared itself as a free and sovereign state to the United Nations. As a result, it may now have a sovereign currency and access to the international financial system. It seems that there are no major obstacles to prevent this from happening. However, it is uncertain whether this will occur within the next 24-48 hours or if it will take more time. Regardless, there is clear progress being made, and I am excited about what this week could bring.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Boots on the ground SuperGirl in Erbil Update] During my conversation with Dyaa and his family, they informed me that neither they nor anyone else they know have received any information regarding the HCL. Frank mentioned that although they have been hearing rumors from multiple sources, they believe there is no truth to them. Frank also mentioned that the authorities may be planning to release the HCL in tranches, but there has been no concrete evidence of this yet.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] There are conflicting opinions regarding the need for the House of Representatives to appoint a new Speaker of the House in order to remove the remaining sanctions on Iraq. However, according to my understanding, the bill is already at the Senate and could be passed at any time.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow] I generally do not discuss rates in detail, but I can tell you that we have very strong rates for the dinar and Dong, which are well into double digits.