Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (12-21-2023)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinions

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

“I came across an article about the launch of the third annual scientific conference on economic challenges and reform in Iraq. I found a particular quote interesting, which mentioned the need to restructure the general budget. This made me wonder if there are going to be some significant changes in the near future. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but it’s worth noting that changes in the exchange rate are typically made at the end or beginning of the year to allow everyone to restructure their budgets accordingly. I am intrigued by this and curious to know what’s going on in Iraq.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

According to a comment made via PDK, it is possible that Iraq is planning to spend 80% of its 2023 budget to saturate its citizens with dinar currency just before the revaluation. MarkZ thinks this idea makes sense. He pointed out that Kuwait faced a lot of backlash for not doing something similar in the past. Many Kuwaiti citizens were caught in a difficult situation because they did not have enough Kuwaiti dinar as they were using US dollars.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

It’s important for people to have a clear understanding of what they own. We’re providing a tool that will help users achieve this clarity. It’s crucial to understand the implications of owning something, especially when it comes to complex events. The process of ownership involves a lot more than simply switching something on or off. It’s important to have a thorough understanding of what you own, as it’s not someone else’s responsibility to provide you with all the necessary information. If you own Iraqi dinar, it’s important to remember that it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Jeff :

“The elections are crucial for the rate change. We have waited for this moment the entire year to become eligible for the rate change. Remember, the central bank made it mandatory to hold these elections to eliminate corruption. Elections are the fastest and most effective way to eliminate corruption, and that is precisely what is happening now.”

According to Newshound Guru Kaperoni :

A country’s exchange rate is determined by the success and growth of its economy. A weak economy results in a weak exchange rate. Currently, the Iraqi economy is weak and until they pass necessary laws, diversify their economy and increase their GDP, there will be no significant change in the value of dinar. However, a few months ago, Iraq passed its tripartite 3-year budget which provides a roadmap for diversifying and privatizing their economy over the next three years. Iraq is now on a timeline to achieve this goal.

According to Iraqi Dinar Guru Nader From The Mid East :

“People keep asking me about the latest news. Well, the news will be revealed on the 1st of January. As I previously mentioned, we will no longer be using the dollar in Iraq. From that day on, we will be working with a different currency.”

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

According to a news article shared via PDK, Iraq is making efforts to reduce its dependency on the US dollar. They are aiming to establish a stable and internationally recognized currency that holds its value. It has been noted that the process of de-dollarization has been slow, but they are determined to achieve their goal by January 1st.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

It’s great to hear positive feedback from the IMF. However, the exchange rate for Iraq is not expected to change anytime soon. Nonetheless, this is a step in the right direction for the country.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: We’re claiming monetary sovereignty over the dollar in this TV program. FRANK: They refer to your currency when they use the term “monetary.” Furthermore, when they refer to your “sovereignty,” they mean that you will only use the Iraqi dinar as payment, not the US dollar or any other currency. That explains why the value of the dollar is declining. Your dinar is increasing in value in this way. Sudani made it quite clear: “I am making our currency more valuable.” They want the value of the US dollar to decline. They desire the dominance of your money…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

“[via WiserNow] They are hoping to receive this blessing before Christmas in 2023. That’s their goal and plan. They believe they can still accomplish it this week, as everything is set to go. The redemption centers are fully trained and ready. Let’s look forward to the next couple of days.”