Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Tuesday Evening 1-16-24


Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Tuesday Evening 1-16-24

Parliamentary Finance: We Await The Arrival Of The Budget Law For 2024 Soon To Make The Necessary Amendments

Economy – 2024-01-15  Today, Monday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee resumed its regular meetings with the beginning of the new legislative term, while confirming the imminent arrival of the budget law for the year 2024. The

media office of the Committee Chairman said in a statement: “The Parliamentary Finance Committee, headed by Atwan Al-Atwani, resumed, today, its regular meetings with the beginning of the term.”

“The meeting discussed ways to conduct a quick review of the committee’s work during the past legislative term and determine the priorities for the next phase in accordance with the ministerial platform, whether in terms of completing the requirements for legislating important laws or monitoring spending and overcoming obstacles.” And the obstacles that delay the implementation of service and development plans and programmes.”

Al-Atwani stressed – according to the statement – that “the committee is awaiting the arrival of the budget law for 2024 soon to make the necessary amendments to its schedules,” stressing “the necessity of determining our priorities in accordance with the government program.”

He added, “We will have field visits in the coming days to the ministries and governorates to follow up on the implementation of plans and programmes,” addressing the members of the committee by saying: “Your presence in the field is sufficient to solve all the legal and technical problems that delay the referral of strategic projects and impede the completion of delayed ones.”

He stated, “We have allocated additional funds to the governorates in order to implement strategic projects, and this requires us to follow up on financing and implementation,” pointing out “the necessity of working to overcome obstacles to completing school building projects that have been lagging for years.”

Parliamentary Finance Resumes Its Work And Confirms The Imminent Arrival Of The 2024 Budget

Economy News – Baghdad  On Monday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee resumed its regular meetings with the beginning of the new legislative term, while confirming the imminent arrival of the budget law for the year 2024.

The media office of the committee chairman said in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the Parliamentary Finance Committee headed by Atwan Al-Atwani resumed its regular meetings today with the beginning of the new legislative term to discuss a number of topics related to its legislative and oversight work,” noting that “the meeting Discuss ways to conduct a quick review of the committee’s work during the past legislative term and determine priorities for the next phase in accordance with the ministerial curriculum, whether in terms of completing the requirements for legislating important laws or monitoring spending and removing obstacles and impediments that delay the implementation of service and development plans and programs.

Al-Atwani stressed – according to the statement – that “the committee is awaiting the arrival of the budget law for 2024 soon to make the necessary amendments to its schedules,” stressing “the necessity of determining our priorities in accordance with the government program.”

He added, “We will have field visits in the coming days to the ministries and governorates to follow up on the implementation of plans and programmes,” addressing the members of the committee by saying: “Your presence in the field is sufficient to solve all the legal and technical problems that delay the referral of strategic projects and impede the completion of delayed ones.”

He stated, “We have allocated additional funds to the governorates in order to implement strategic projects, and this requires us to follow up on financing and implementation,” pointing out “the necessity of working to overcome obstacles to completing school building projects that have been lagging for years.”  116 views 01/15/2024 –

Parliamentary Oil: Kurdish Demands Are Behind The Delay In Resolving The Oil And Gas Law

Economy Today 09:22   Information / Baghdad…  A member of the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Kazem Al-Touki, confirmed that raising the ceiling on the demands of the Kurds was behind the delay in resolving the oil and gas law, despite the continuation of negotiations between Baghdad and Erbil, but the law has not been decided.

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Al-Touki told Al-Maalouma, “The oil and gas law has not been neglected, and there are movements by the executive and legislative authorities to resolve this law and agree on it in order to pass it in Parliament after the end of the legislative term recess.”

He added, “The Kurds are seeking to impose their will and tried to raise the ceiling of their demands in the oil and gas law, which created a problem that prompted the postponement of proceeding with the law until the controversial issues between Baghdad and Erbil are resolved. Therefore, the law will need a lot of pause before it is voted on in Parliament.”

He stated that “the problem of the oil and gas law between Baghdad and Erbil is summarized in the disputed areas and Article 140, where the law is still unresolved in light of ongoing negotiations and dialogues between the two sides in order to resolve the outstanding issues to ensure the passage of the law.” LINK

The Rise In The Price Of The Dollar Against The Dinar In Baghdad And Erbil

2024-01-16 Shafaq News/ Dollar prices rose, today, Tuesday, in Baghdad markets and in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that dollar prices rose with the opening of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges to record 153,000 dinars against 100 dollars, while yesterday, Monday, prices were 152,500 dinars against 100 dollars.

Our correspondent pointed out that the selling prices in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad rose, as the selling price reached 154,000 Iraqi dinars, while the purchasing price reached 152,000 dinars for every 100 dollars.

As for Erbil, there was also an increase in money exchange shops, the selling price was 153,000 dinars against the dollar, and the purchasing price was 152,900 dinars against 100 dollars.  LINK

A Parliamentary Committee Diagnoses The Reasons For Delaying The Approval Of The Oil And Gas Law

Economy News – Baghdad  A member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Intisar Al-Moussawi, revealed the latest developments in the oil and gas law, while confirming that there are partisan political reasons delaying the arrival of the draft law to the dome of Parliament.

Al-Mousawi said in an interview followed by Al-Eqtisad News, “The draft oil and gas law is still in the corridors of the government, and is under study and analysis, and it has not been sent to the House of Representatives or any specific parliamentary committee such as Finance, Oil and Gas.”

She adds: “After concluding the session to elect the Speaker of the House of Representatives, we hope to begin in a real and correct manner to consider important laws such as the oil and gas law, taxes, and the Federal Court law.”

A member of the parliamentary oil committee explains, “There are many reasons that may obstruct or delay the arrival of this law in Parliament, including political and partisan ones. That is, every governorate that owns oil finds it subject to political and partisan whims.”

It turns out, “We are trying as much as possible to bring together all whims under the banner of public interest to move forward with passing this important law, and others, in the House of Representatives, especially in the next stage.”

Al-Moussawi stresses “the necessity of fairness to Basra Governorate in the oil and gas law, which wants all its people to enjoy its bounties.”

Earlier, the Prime Minister of the Federal Government, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, agreed with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani, to resolve the differences and outstanding issues, including the file and the oil and gas law, but the law is still a matter of controversy after talk about preparing a new version of it following… Disagreement over its passage in light of the differences in political opinions.

Political And Regional Influences Are Hindering The Oil And Gas Law And Its Draft Is Locked In The Corridors Of The Government

Posted On01-16-2024 By Sotaliraq  Baghdad/ Haider Hisham   The file of the oil and gas law returns to darkness again in light of the House of Representatives’ preoccupation with other issues, including choosing the Speaker of Parliament, which makes the draft law, which some political forces describe as “more important” than the budget, locked in the corridors of the government, with many questions being raised about its fate during the semester. New legislative.

Earlier, the Prime Minister of the Federal Government, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, agreed with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani, to resolve the differences and outstanding issues, including the file and the oil and gas law, but the law is still a matter of controversy after talk about preparing a new version of it following… Disagreement over its passage in light of the differences in political opinions.

Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Intisar Al-Moussawi, revealed the latest developments in the oil and gas law, while confirming the existence of partisan political reasons delaying the arrival of the draft law to the dome of Parliament.

Al-Mousawi says in an interview with Al-Mada, “The draft oil and gas law is still in the corridors of the government, and is under study and analysis, and it has not been sent to the House of Representatives or any specific parliamentary committee such as Finance, Oil and Gas.”

She adds: “After concluding the session to elect the Speaker of the House of Representatives, we hope to begin in a real and correct way to consider important laws such as the oil and gas law, taxes, and the Federal Court law.”

A member of the Parliamentary Oil Committee explains, “There are many reasons that may obstruct or delay the arrival of this law in Parliament, including political and partisan ones. That is, every governorate that owns oil finds it subject to political and partisan whims.”

It turns out, “We are trying as much as possible to bring together all whims under the banner of public interest to move forward with passing this important law, and others, in the House of Representatives, especially in the next stage.”

Al-Moussawi stresses “the necessity of fairness to Basra Governorate in the oil and gas law, which wants all its people to enjoy its bounties.”

The Iraqi Constitution, Article 111, states: “Oil and gas are the property of all the Iraqi people in all regions and governorates.”

As defined in Article (112/First): – The federal government shall manage the oil and gas extracted from the current fields with the governments of the producing regions and governorates, provided that it distributes its imports in a fair manner commensurate with the population distribution throughout the country, while specifying a share for a specific period for the affected regions.

Second: The federal government and the governments of the producing regions and governorates together formulate the strategic policies necessary to develop oil and gas wealth.

In turn, the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Wafa Muhammad, highlighted the parties that prevent the passage of the oil and gas law, in what he considered more important than the budget.

Muhammad mentioned, in an interview with (Al-Mada), that “the oil and gas law is one of the important laws in Iraq, and even more important than the budget law.” Because 90% of Iraq’s imports are from oil,” he pointed out, “There is extreme caution among political parties against trying to legislate this law.”

He points out, “These political forces do not allow it to be legislated at the present time,” noting that “the draft law was supposed to be written the previous year, and it is one of the demands of the Kurdistan Democratic Party when forming the current government.”

Muhammad explains that his party “set a period of time in order to write a draft of the oil and gas law, but this did not happen,” adding: “The oil-producing governorates also entered to participate in writing the draft, but there are political parties that benefit from the failure to legislate the law, and they own Oil smuggling gangs and mafias always try to obstruct the enactment of the law.”

Regarding the regional influences, the leader of Barzani’s party reveals, “There are regional pressures to which Iraq is exposed due to the oil and gas law, such as Iranian pressure. Because it sells its oil through Iraq, while the law prohibits that.”

He refers to “the Turkish intervention; Because Turkey is taking more money than it is entitled to in the event of resuming the export of Kurdistan region’s oil via the Ceyhan line,” he added, adding: “There is Gulf and Jordanian interference as well, and they have special reasons that push them to put pressure on Iraq to prevent the passage of such an important law.”

Regarding the question about the clause controlling the fields in the Kurdistan region by the federal government, does it represent another obstacle? Muhammad answers: “It does not represent an obstacle because it will be under joint management, especially the fields that were produced after 2005, as mentioned in the constitution.”

The Iraqi Oil and Gas Law, which has been awaiting legislation in Parliament since 2005, stipulates that responsibility for managing the country’s oil fields must be entrusted to a national oil company, and supervised by a federal council specialized in this subject.

Baghdad says that the region does not declare the real oil export amounts and does not hand over those amounts to it, while Kurdistan says that exports from oil fields in the region’s territory must be subject to its management, whether in terms of granting licenses for new exploration, managing existing fields, or controlling production. Exporting to destinations of its choice, or contracting for purchase and development.

The ongoing reality since 2005 indicates that the crisis will remain an open wound between the central government and the regional government. Because each party looks at oil and gas revenues from its own perspective.   LINK

Provoking Points To Ponder on Adversity:

If you have been sunned through and through like an apricot on a wall from your earliest days, you are oversensitive to any withdrawal of heat.  – Margot Asquith

I was lucky I wasn’t a better boxer, or that’s what I’d be now – a punchy ex-pug.  – Bob Hope

At every step the child should be allowed to meet the real experience of life; the thorns should never be plucked from his roses. – Ellen Key

Hot water is my native element. I was in it as a baby, and I have never seemed to get out of it ever since.  – Edith Sitwell

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