KTFA – KTFA Members “News and Views” Tuesday 5-7-2024


Clare:  The Specifications Department of the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control obtains a quality certificate in accordance with the international standard


The Ministry of Planning announced today, Tuesday, that the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control has obtained a quality certificate in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9001:2015 specification.

The Ministry stated in a statement: “The Specifications Department of the Standardization Department in the agency obtained this certificate, which is the first administrative formation in the Ministry to obtain a quality certificate from an entity that has been accredited by the Iraqi Accreditation Authority and the British Accreditation Authority (UKAS), which has received international recognition from the Forum.”

International Accreditation Agency (IAF), indicating that this certificate is internationally recognized and added: “The Standardization Department seeks to provide the best services to citizens by increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of its internal operations in issuing and approving Iraqi standard specifications and guidelines.

She pointed out: “Iraq has joined the World Trade Organization by reducing technical obstacles to trade, the most important of which is following scientific and international methods in preparing specifications for products involved in trade.  LINK

DMcCall: In my opinion I fond an online official WTO calendar of events. And this is exactly what is in the box for May 9 2024

                                                       ASCENSION DAY 
                                                       (WTO non-working day)

So at least in my opinion May 9, 2024 announcements will be made to welcome the new FULL members.

Clare:  A deputy in finance expects the Council of Ministers to approve the budget schedules in today’s session

Information / private..

On Tuesday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Moeen Al-Kadhimi, suggested that the Council of Ministers would approve the amendments to the 2024 budget schedules during its regular session today, indicating that if approved, they will be sent to Parliament tomorrow, Wednesday.

Al-Kadhimi told Al-Maalouma, “The Council of Ministers is supposed to approve the 2024 budget tables during its regular session,” suggesting that “the Council of Ministers will vote on the tables today, especially after the pressure put on the Council by Parliament, which considered delaying the approval unjustified.” .

He added, “If approved today, the schedules will be sent to the House of Representatives tomorrow, Wednesday, and therefore the Parliamentary Finance Committee will study the schedule and provide a briefing to Parliament for the purpose of approving it,” noting that “the House of Representatives will extend its legislative recess until the 2024 budget schedules are approved.”


DMcCall:  In my opinion nothing will stop what has been announced! Iraq on May 9 ascends to FULL membership in the WTO which requires an international exchange rate! So can we stop talking about the budget? The budget WAITS FOR THE RATE!!!

CalandDLQ:  If my memory serves me correctly, when the tripartite budget was approved they also voted and approved that the COM could amend the budget without needing parliament so IMO this is another example of smoke and mirrors. The articles over the last 24-36hr point to the reality of Sudani, Alak, Saleh and gov. are doing what they told us they were doing. These next 4-24hrs will be…well…popcorn anyone


Clare:  Plasschaert’s duties in Iraq end


The duties of the head of the United Nations mission in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert, in Iraq have ended.

A statement of the Supreme Judicial Council, a copy of which was received by {Al-Furat News}, said, “The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faiq Zaidan, received today, Tuesday, the Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert, on the occasion of the end of her work duties in Iraq.”

Jeanine Antoinette Hennis-Plasschaert is a Dutch politician and diplomat, and was appointed Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq on December 17, 2018.  LINK  

Alicia2015:  IMO- interesting timing, wonder if she stacked dinars.

Clare:  After a break of more than 9 years.. the resumption of a government trade meeting between Iraq and America


The Ministry of Commerce announced the holding of meetings of the third session of the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement between Iraq and the United States of America in Washington, D.C., after a break that lasted for more than nine years. It was chaired on the Iraqi side by Economic Agent Ghassan Farhan Hamid, and on the American side by the Representative Office. Commercial.

The Economic Undersecretary for Trade confirmed in a statement to the ministry, a copy of which was received by {Al-Furat News}, that “the meeting discussed many topics, the most important of which are the agricultural sector, standardization and quality control, the financial system, customs, company registration, intellectual property rights, Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, the health sector, and government contracts.”

He pointed out, “It was emphasized during the meetings that the Iraqi government is open to all parties and that economic reform and diversification of the economy are considered among the priorities that are being worked on, and that Iraq is ready to discuss any proposal that leads to strengthening relations between the two countries.”

For its part, the American side expressed its great interest in the issues raised and its appreciation for the reform measures undertaken by the Iraqi government.

It is noteworthy that the meetings were also attended by the Iraqi side, Director General of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Riyad Fakher Al-Hashimi, the Commercial Attaché, and representatives from the Ministries of Finance, Planning, Agriculture and Health.   LINK


Clare:  Al-Sudani: Iraqi banks are on the right track with financial transfers


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Tuesday, during his meeting with the delegation of the Union of Arab Banks, headed by the Secretary-General of the Union, Wissam Hassan Fattouh, that Iraqi banks are on the right path regarding financial transfers.

At the beginning of the meeting, according to a statement from his office received by Al-Furat News, Al-Sudani welcomed the holding of the Arab Banks Conference in Baghdad, expressing Iraq’s happiness in hosting the Arab conferences, which confirm Iraq’s return to taking its natural position in the region and the world.

The Prime Minister stressed that “the process of financial and economic reform, which was adopted by the government, cannot occur without a solid banking system that is in harmony with the world,” noting that the government has placed this matter within its work of development and reform since its first day, and that Iraqi banks are proceeding today on a The right path in its transactions regarding financial transfers, and that coordination of financial and monetary policy with the Central Bank continues, while preserving the independence of the bank.”

He pointed out that “the policy of clarity, which was adopted by the government, helped in identifying the deficiencies in the banking system and worked to fix them,” noting that the Development Road Project is one of the aspects of economic integration in the region, as His Excellency welcomed the holding of a banking workshop to discuss the role of banks in the project and in establishing… Industrial cities on the path of the road.

For its part, the delegation of the Union of Banks praised the government’s measures to reform the banking sector. As they are clear measures aimed at strengthening and enhancing the work of this sector, the delegation also expressed its appreciation for the government’s steps in supporting the private sector and enhancing its role in sustainable development and international and regional partnerships.   LINK