KTFA – More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Evening 3-9-2024


Clare:  Integrity announces the recovery of $1.5 million, one billion dinars, and gold coins


Today, Saturday, the head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, announced the recovery of more than 1.5 million dollars and about one billion Iraqi dinars and gold coins, while revealing a draft agreement to coordinate work with the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan region.

Hanoun said, in a statement followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the authority recovered some amounts in cash, some of them were prevented from being wasted, and others are in the process of being recovered,” pointing out that “some amounts are in Iraqi currency, and others are in dollars.”

He added, “During our annual conference tomorrow, Sunday, we will display a recovered amount of more than one and a half million US dollars, as well as amounts in Iraqi currency of up to one billion dinars, and other amounts, in addition to gold coins.”

He pointed out that “the Integrity Commission coordinates work with the Kurdistan Region Integrity Commission, and there is a draft agreement to coordinate joint work, and Integrity as a federal body supervises all governorates,” stressing that “the financial disclosure of officials includes all Iraqi officials and employees.”

Hanoun called on the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan Region to “assist with arrest warrants and financial disclosures for officials, so that the Federal Authority can audit them like all officials,” stressing that “everyone is subject to the law.”  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26  IMO They’ve already deleted the three zeros from the exchange rate.  IMO that exchange rate came from the RV phase of the monetary reform that was accepted in Washington DC and all these other banks.  That’s why Sudani has thousands and thousands of contracts all waiting for the new exchange rate.

Militia Man  Hypothetically the United States has lets say 5 to 10 trillion dinar.  We have a nation debt of $30+ trillion.  If the US is sitting on 5 to 10 trillion dinar, if they [Iraq] come back to a previous era which they say they are going to do…they talk about about $3.22…If they apply the Real Effective Exchange Rate to the Iraqi dinar based off their natural resources, not based off a punishment rate from the war era, not just based off of oil.  Iraq’s $3.22 was based off primarily oil.  Now it’s a different situation… [This would dramatically help the US with their debt]  Iraq has a lot of gold…oil…religious tourism…



Tishwash:  Parliamentarian: The government must use pressure cards to remove the American forces

Today, Saturday, Member of Parliament Jassem Al-Moussawi called on the government to use all pressure cards on the United States of America regarding the issue of removing foreign forces from the country, while stressing that Iraq is going through a difficult stage that requires the solidarity of all parties. 

Al-Moussawi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The popular power that Iraq possesses must support the government in making bold decisions to completely remove Washington’s forces from the country,” noting that “achieving full sovereignty from America will not be an easy matter.” 

He continued, “Despite Washington’s boasting about its joint relations with Iraq, it is still practicing arrogance in all files,” pointing out that “America’s aggressions will continue until its combat forces are removed from all military bases.” 

He added, “Washington is looking for its interests before committing to laws or treaties concluded on paper only,” adding that “the government is required to use all pressure cards on the United States of America regarding the issue of removing foreign forces from the country.” 

Member of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Sayhud, had confirmed, in an interview with the Al-Ma’louma Agency, “the fate of the joint committees that were formed to remove the American combat forces from Iraq,” while he stressed that the government had reached advanced results in removing foreign forces from the country.  link

BANK FAILURES Will Start Soon, Admits Fed Chair Powell to U.S. Congress

Lena Petrova:  3-9-2024


Monetary Reset: Frank Giustra Warns Of U.S. Dollar ‘Crisis’

David Lin:  3-9-2024

Frank Giustra, CEO of the Fiore Group, explains how the U.S. dollar is being challenged by rivals, and what the global monetary reset means for investors and consumers.

0:00 – Intro

 1:40 – U.S. dollar

 9:13 – BRICS new payment system

12:23 – Petrodollar

17:41 – China’s rise

 22:42 – Gold, Bitcoin’s rally