Kurdish movement: Localization of salaries of the region’s employees was proposed for the purpose of election propaganda

Kurdish movement: Localization of salaries of the region's employees was proposed for the purpose of election propaganda

Member of the Kurdish Takfiri Azadi movement, Luqman Hassan, confirmed on Sunday that the difficulty of localizing the salaries of the region’s personnel had been raised within the beyond length for the sake of electoral propaganda in Kurdistan, pointing out that there has been no commitment to the judicial choices issued with the aid of the Federal court docket concerning the localization problem.

Hassan told dinaropinions.com, “the difficulty of localizing the salaries of the location’s employees does no longer exist at all, as the employee remains waiting for his profits for about 3 months within the wish that the government will pay him his wages.”

He brought, “the difficulty of localizing salaries in the region turned into raised for electoral purposes and there may be now not any want for it, notwithstanding the lifestyles of a decision from the Federal court docket in this count. however, the governments in Baghdad and Erbil do no longer have a dedication to the decisions issued in this situation.”

He pointed out that “the ruling events keep to problem decisions capriciously and in line with their private evaluations, without being attentive to the rights of citizens and personnel. therefore, what’s occurring confirms that the regime is not democratic, however instead has taken the united states returned to the center ages.”