MP: A parliamentary movement regarding the “salary scale”… These are the most prominent demands

MP: A parliamentary movement regarding the “salary scale”... These are the most prominent demands

Delegate Haider Al-Mutairi uncovered, on Tuesday, a parliamentary development with respect to the compensation scale.

In an interview, Al-Mutairi stated, “There is a parliamentary movement that began by collecting the signatures of 60 representatives to demand the Presidency of the House of Representatives to approach the Council of Ministers by including the topic of amending the salary scale among its tasks.” Al-Mutairi was referring to the movement that began with the collection of signatures.

He added, “The development additionally incorporates that the revision be made with the financial plan plans during the current year to continue with it and really carry out it in 2024.”

He brought up that “the compensation scale is an imperative and significant subject to accomplish the guideline of equity and value in drawing a guide for the compensation scale for all workers of Iraqi government establishments after any distinctions concerning distributions.”

Iraq’s foundations experience the ill effects of an enormous disparity in the compensations and designations of their representatives, provoking numerous to demand move to divisions and services as opposed to others because of their significant compensations