News, Rumors and Opinions Friday 3-1-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 1 March 2024

Compiled Fri. 1 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Thurs. 29 Feb. Goldilocks on Iraq Banking Announcement: “The Central Bank of Iraq has decided to restore the mechanism of financing Iraq’s foreign trade, starting on 1March 2024. Look what we have here. Iraq is planning to move forward with financing their foreign trade mechanism. March 1st, 2024 is the day they expect to begin this process. They are telling their banks that they expect to do this with all currencies.

Goldilocks Cont…..Iraq has been working with Governmental Agencies and Technological Developers to get them to this point. They have tested their money and in process of testing their money this month on electronic mechanisms that will help them to move forward in the new Digital asset-based Trading System. We are on the verge of witnessing them move into a global implementation stage of their currency.”

Wed. 28 Feb. Wolverine: “On Thurs. 29 Feb. Iraq officially (allegedly)  joined BRICS which means they must be (allegedly)  asset backed. The Iraqi people are queuing up at the banks and (allegedly)  waiting for the RV. All my sources are locked up with NDA right now and most Whales are under NDA.

Mon. 26 Feb. Hernán Robert Hbravo: “Baghdad Communication reported a possible Dinar revaluation on Thurs. 29 Feb. or Fri. 1 March.”

Judy Note: A High Up Contact and other valid sources have indicated that the Cabal  (allegedly)  capitulated on Thurs. 22 Feb. If things went as expected we may have a three day celebration beginning around Fri. 1 March. RV rates have been (allegedly)  agreed upon with a goal for the RV to happen by Fri. 1 March. It was now my personal opinion that Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification for our redemption and exchange appointments sometime between Fri. 1 March – Mon. 4 March and begin appointments during the Ten Days of Darkness/ Exposure – which appeared slated to occur around Sun. 3 March through Wed. 13 March 2024.”

On Sat. 23 Feb. 2024 the World Trade Organization announced that Iraq had completed all requirements to be accepted as a member of the WTO including (allegedly)  setting their new Iraqi Dinar International exchange rate. Iraqi PM Al Suddani has (allegedly)  stated that the RV was done.

Wed. 28 Feb. Central Bank of Iraq (allegedly)  announced that the new Dinar Rate was $3.47.

On Fri. 1 March 2024 Iraq will (allegedly)  join other BRICS nations for the Global Currency Reset – exactly one year (March 2023) after the new Quantum Financial System (allegedly)  went live on the Star Link Satellite Network.

All personal bank accounts have (allegedly)  been mirrored onto the new Star Link Satellite System. People will (allegedly)  need to go to a Redemption Center to set themselves up with their new bank accounts of gold/asset-backed currency that are (allegedly)  free of the Cabal’s fiat currency Central Banking System.

Some banks have (allegedly)  converted into being service agencies that can’t access monies in your personal account.

Wed. 28 Feb. Basel III: The End! Redemption News – Currency Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State – American Media Group (

Wed. 28 Feb. US DEBT CLOCK SECRET WINDOW – Too Many Issues to Worry About in One WINDOW ( US Treasury Certificates, Gold-backed Currency, Founding Fathers, Federal Reserve Act of 1913, American Revolution Currency – Feb 28, 2024 – American Media Group (

Tues. 27 Feb. EXPLOSIVE! Inside Trump’s Plan: Activating QFS & GCR to Wipe Out the Deep State Elites – Their End is Near! – Gazetteller


Thurs. 29 Feb. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

On Tues. night 27 Feb. in Reno there was a meeting with six people. Among them were the Admiral, a Treasury Representative and Judy Shelton. They discussed the USN and gave the Admiral the green light to notify his group of appointment setting, although the date of that was not revealed.

On Wed. 28 Feb. there was a Conference Call training session between the Wells Fargo Corporation, all banks who were Basel 3 Compliant and the Redemption Centers.

A Wells Fargo representative will be present at the Redemption Center during your exchange.

If you exchange at a bank you will get a lower rate than you would get at a Redemption Center. A higher Contract Rate is available for the Dinar and special rates are available for the other currencies at the Redemption Centers, not at banks.

Notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/exchange appointments will be sent sometime between Fri. 1 March and Mon. 4 March.

Another Iraqi Source said we would receive notification Fri. 1 March or Sat. 2 March.

Appointments for Tier4b to exchange will start by at least Mon. 4 March.

Another Iraqi Source said that the Central Bank of Iraq has set the new in-country Dinar Rate. The International Dinar Rate at the Bank is four times higher than the in-country rate.

We will have 14-15 days to exchange at a Redemption Center. After that you would have to exchange at a bank at the lower rates.

On Fri. 1 March the Iraqi Government will be paying all their salaries at the new in-country rate.

You will be given a Platinum Card that you use to move monies into your primary account. At your appointment you can move up to a billion $ into your primary account.

The Restitution and Rebate monies will begin to be paid out a week after the USN comes out.

The increase in Social Security payments will begin on your regular SS check in the month of March.

All banks have to be Basil III Compliant by Tues. 12 March.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Pimpy  We personally do not exchange our currency with Iraq.  What happens is if the sanctions are lifted, they revalue the currency, we take our currency down to our banks, we exchange the Iraqi dinar for US dollars…If that bank…buys and sell foreign currencies they would keep it on their books as an asset.  If they turn it over to the Federal Reserve then the Federal Reserve would be dealing with Iraq as far as swapping the US dollar for the Iraqi dinar but most banks are going to keep it on their books.    [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

Pimpy    That’s why you don’t have to worry about whether Iraq has enough US dollars.  It’s going to be whether your bank has enough dollars and since everything’s going to be digital there’s not going to be a problem with that.  That’s how it’s going to happen all around the world.  You’re going to be able to go into your bank, exchange your IQD and that’s who you’re exchanging it with.  Iraq does not have to have all those US dollars to cover the IQD because banks are going to hold them on their books as foreign reserve assets.   [Post 2 of 2]


Could A New Form Of Money Be Circulated? | Adam Trexler

David Lin:  2-29-2024

Adam Trexler, Founder of Valaurum, discusses how gold can be used as a monetary asset in today’s world.

0:00 – Intro

2:58 – Gold as an asset class

5:35 – Gold as monetary asset

8:53 – Inflation and gold

11:46 – Long-term vision for gold