Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 14 June 2024
Compiled Fri. 14 June 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Major Events Not Reported in the Mainstream Media on Thurs. 13 June 2024:
Black Swan Global Financial Event: On Sun. 9 June 2024 Saudi Arabia ditched the US Dollar and will not be renewing the 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States. Instead, they will be selling oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen and Yuan. This should be treated as a Black Swan Event, but you wouldn’t know it because the U.S. government is more focused on investigating tire tracks over a street intersection. Remember, the revolution will not be televised.
Apparent Timing of the Global Currency Reset: Rumors/Opinions
On Sun. 9 June 2024 the White House was lit up in gold. Saudi Arabia dropped the
USD and ended the Petrodollar. With a Market Crash imminent, it was the Beginning of the End for collapse of the Global Financial System. RV funds for Bond Holders and Tier4b moved into position for payout.
On Wed. 12 June 2024 around 12 Noon EST a Worldwide Economic Collapse continued when Putin withdrew the US Dollar and the Euro from the Russian Stock Market.
On Sat. 15 June 2024 any bank not Basel 3 compliant would be closed. The new Iraqi Dinar Rate would be published in their Gazette. Notification to set appointments for Tier4b and Bond Holders were expected by Sat. 15 June.
Global Currency Reset
Thurs. 13 June 2024 Banker: “I have been involved in this venture since early in 2007. Having come from the investment community I had contacts with NYSE people who were able to put me in touch with many foreign banking personnel who have shared almost daily with what is the news within their banks and countries as it relates with this world currency restructuring. As stated a number of years and now 3 days with absolutely nothing. So my thoughts are everyone in high level banking has had to execute an NDA and that we are that close to the announcement. The Doctor in Beeville confirmed the new IQD rate a couple of days ago which was in country only, but with this silence I believe we are right on the edge of our exchanging. GOD Bless”
Thurs. 13 June 2024 MarkZ: “I have seen facilitators and humanitarian platforms get paid….but this is the first time that an individual I can track has received dollars…..Call them test deposits or whatever- but this is the first real movement I have seen I have seen to be warm and fuzzy about.”
Wed. 12 June 2024 TNT Tony: “They want this done by Sat. 15 June 2024. Banks are expecting to work this weekend. Iraq has country wide celebration planned for Sun. 30 June.”
Thurs. 13 June 2024 Wolverine: “I’ve been told by some very, very high sources to be patient – that this is happening. We just have to wait our turn. It will happen in a matter of days. It has been confirmed that the release of funds for currency swaps and historical asset swaps began after 12:00 a.m. on Tues. 11 June. These released funds will become liquid once the 800 holder numbers and emails are released.
Thurs. 13 June Mike Bara: “A source got a call from a high banking source at a major bank in the south. “You’ve been bugging me about this for ten years. Well, congratulations buddy. Your dream is about to come true.” SOURCE: “What do you mean?” BANKER: “We just got a letter from headquarters informing us to get ready because ‘The Iraqi Dinar is revaluing extremely soon.’”
Thurs. 13 June Rumor: A Middle East friend said, “Today the Dinar is worth $5.34 to the US Dollar.”
Thurs. 13 June 2024 Jentel Short, Jennifer Fallaw-Doering: When can we expect Notifications now? They are monitoring suspicious behavior in Reno, which could be a problem. They are also watching rates move on screens. Best estimate is today, tomorrow, or later if Reno is a problem. I see currency flowing from exchange centers into Reno and then sent back to countries of origin. Reno is important. Keep an eye on that. They can’t have terrorists interfering with that process. So, it’s still happening. These terrorist attempts are like flies buzzing around the picnic, but they want to make sure there are no wolves hiding in the bushes. Have a great day.
Thurs. 13 June 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe ( 667-770-1866, pin123456#, 667-770-1865
Military Sources say that Notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) are to come out within the next 48 hours or by Fri. or Sat. 15 June 2024.
The new Dinar rate was on the Forex and trading upward.
The new Dinar Rate will be published in the Iraqi Gazette on Sat. 15 June 2024
Bond Holders are to have Notifications around Sat. 15 June 2024.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Frank26 How much time will they [Iraqi citizens] have to trade in 3 zero notes? [Boot’s on the ground Firefly’s bank friend] told Firefly you’re going to be given a short amount of time to exchange your Iraqi dinar. This is the very first time ever that we have information from a very good source [saying] you’re going to have a specific amount of time to trade in your 3 zero notes.
Mike Bara [via PDK] I want to say that this is not a rumor. I am not passing on a rumor…I know a guy…he got a call from a High corporate banking official from a major bank. And he said “You know that thing you have been bugging me about for the last 10 years?” (and we all know what it is – it’s the RV) And the banker said “Well congratulations buddy- your dreams are about to come true!”…And the banker said “We just got a memo today, a letter from headquarters informing us to Get Ready Right Now because the Iraqi dinar is revaluating extremely soon. Boom… I don’t know how to evaluate the term “really soon” except to say I think it means in the next 2 or 3 days. We don’t know but, that’s what I think it means.
BREAKING NEWS Massive Blaze at Irbil Oil Refinery
Edu Matrix: 6-13-2024
Greg Mannarino: 6-13-2024