News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 8-9-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 9 Aug. 2024

Compiled Fri. 9 Aug. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The CIA US Oil Dollar that once controlled Middle East Oil was done and Money Laundering Operations were falling apart with the fiat US Dollar near collapse – making the fake Wall Street Financial Report to be placed in limbo.

Money was evaporating inside a massive Black Swan Event Collapse and the Deep State Cabal was going broke.

Global Currency Reset: (Opinions/Rumors)

Thurs. 8 Aug. 2024 Bruce:

We were big on today and we did have some things that got started like BH’s paid out of Reno and lots of flights in and out  – 3 per hour.  

Nothing on CMKX yet – but be patient and hasn’t happened for everybody yet.

Over 1500 Farm Claims have been paid out and a good thing. Three specific people we know one was paid all different sums for Farm Claims.  

Prosperity Packages: We confirmed they had the meeting last Saturday and decided to use hand to hand delivery for those payments. Now I hope they will call before they show up and it’s a pretty sizeable check and also the people that will be doing the deliveries will be National Guard  – two coming to the door. Those deliveries start tonight Thurs. 8 Aug. or tomorrow morning Fri. 9 Aug.

We know that today RC staff went in at noon – but didn’t get the Green Light to send out to the staff and principals in all of those centers.  So we still don’t have that happening yet – but could happen tomorrow Fri. 9 Aug. or Saturday 10 Aug.

The Latest this evening was that we would get notification to set appointments for Tier 4B and Tier 4A Saturday morning by noon 10 Aug. 

Exchanges could also occur on Sat. 10 Aug.

Redemption Centers would be open on Sat. 10 Aug. to do our exchanges for currency and bonds.  

The ZIM rate is extremely high – Dinar and also Dong but we don’t have Dong rate yet.

On Thurs. 8 Aug. all 19 new rates were flashing really fast on the bank screens and will be solid by tomorrow Fri. 9 Aug. or Saturday 10 Aug.  

The rates are trading on Forex till Sunday 11 Aug. at 5pm.  

Everything is moving behind the scenes but I don’t have anything on the political front.

We are looking at getting this well underway for us but we don’t know the actual start rate of Nesara and Gesara – but we think it might just come out and not be announced.

Our currency will be asset backed with the new Gold backed dollar and the old fiat currency will go away – but don’t save the new because eventually it will also still be useless at some point in time and New USN United States New notes.

Pay attention between now and the weekend for those emails. The latest info took Friday out and put Saturday 10 Aug. in play.


Thurs. 8 Aug. 2024 Wolverine:

Good Intel from Bruce today is what I told you yesterday. It has commenced. Tier 4B should comenmcé any time now.

I’m hoping to get the green light tomorrow Fri. 9 Aug. and I’ll know when I have to fly off. When that happens you won’t hear from me ever again until the Get Together. My job will be done.

OBTW in regards to MarkZ it was no offence to Mark as I do respect him and the work he has done throughout the years but I can categorically say what Mark said this morning was BS. He probably being cautious or he’s being told to be quiet.


Thurs. 8 Aug. 2024 American Media Group, Wolverine:

Liquidity Release and Notifications Have Begun!

At exactly 3:00 PM PDT (on Wed. 7 Aug. 2024), our trusted military intelligence contact confirmed that the long-awaited liquidity release and notifications for tiers and lower categories, including 4B, has officially begun. This monumental event will unfold over the next 72 hours, bringing significant financial changes and opportunities for those involved. Stay tuned as we delve into the details and implications of this groundbreaking launch.

The Liquidity Release, An Overview: At the heart of today’s explosive news is the start of the liquidity release. This process is crucial to distributing funds across various financial tiers and categories, including the highly anticipated Tier 4B. For months, anticipation and speculation have surrounded this event, and now it’s finally happening.

Our military intelligence contact, who has been a trusted source of information, indicated that everything was set in motion at 3:00 PM PDT (on Wed. 7 Aug.). Shotgun issuance is expected to distribute funds and notifications within the next 72 hours. This swift and decisive action is designed to ensure a smooth and efficient distribution of financial resources to those who have been patiently waiting.

Restrictions and Happiness What to Expect: Although our contact was not at liberty to discuss specific limits and limitations, he assured us that the outcome will be overwhelmingly positive. Details will be revealed during the appointments, but preliminary information suggests that everyone will be very pleased with the rates.

One of the highlights is the 90-day advance of ZIM. Those holding ZIM bonds will receive a $500 million advance until structured payments begin. This important advance provides immediate liquidity and demonstrates the financial system’s commitment to ensuring that participants have access to substantial resources quickly.

Immediate access to non-ZIM FX proceeds: In addition to the ZIM advance, all non-ZIM FX proceeds will be immediately accessible. This means that participants can begin using their funds without delay. For those who choose to place their funds under a structured payment program (SPP), there will be an advance of up to $250 million until the first SPP payment is made. This structured approach ensures that funds are managed effectively while also providing immediate liquidity to recipients.

The launch is done – a week late but finally here. Today, August 7th, marks an important milestone. Although the launch happened a week later than initially promised, it is crucial to focus on the fact that it actually happened. The reasons for the delay are still unclear, but what matters now is the start of distributions.

These distributions are scheduled to begin next week, after August 10th, setting the stage for significant financial activities and opportunities.

Preparing for the change. With the launch already underway, it is time to prepare for the upcoming changes. The next few days will be crucial as we understand the change and begin to set up preliminary structures to create corporate bonds. This preparation phase is vital to ensure that we can smoothly transition to the full funding cycle.

Mid-September is anticipated to be a period of substantial activity and significant financial movements are expected. Those who are aware and prepared will not be caught off guard by the big booms expected in the coming weeks.

Stay safe and focused. In these transformative times, it is essential to stay safe, focused, and vigilant. The changes taking place will have far-reaching implications and being prepared is key. Watching and praying, as our contact advises, will help to stay focused and prepared.

The Road Ahead: Big News in the Days and Weeks Ahead The news of the shotgun release is just the beginning. The coming days and weeks promise to be filled with important developments and opportunities. Those involved at the financial levels and tiers will need to stay informed and prepared to act as the situation evolves.

Understanding Shotgun Liquidity Release: What is Shotgun Release? The term “instant release” refers to a rapid and simultaneous distribution of funds across multiple financial levels and tiers. This method ensures that all participants receive their allocations promptly, minimizing delays and maximizing efficiency. This strategy is particularly important in scenarios where large sums of money need to be distributed quickly to a wide group of recipients.

Why Now? The timing of this release is critical. The global financial landscape is undergoing significant changes and the release of these funds is a key part of a broader strategy to stabilize and stimulate economic activity. By injecting liquidity into the market, the aim is to encourage growth, provide immediate financial relief and lay the groundwork for sustained economic development.

Mid-September is predicted to be a period of substantial activity and significant financial movements are expected. Those who are aware and prepared will not be caught off guard by the major booms expected in the coming weeks.

Stay safe and focused. In these transformative times, it is essential to stay safe, focused and vigilant. The changes taking place will have far-reaching implications and being prepared is key. Watching and praying, as our contact advises, will help to maintain focus and readiness.

The road ahead: Big news in the days and weeks ahead. The news of the shotgun launch is just the beginning. The coming days and weeks promise to be filled with important developments and opportunities. Those involved at the financial levels and levels will need to stay informed and prepared to act as the situation evolves.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Jeff  Since Al-Alaq returned as the CBI governor I’ve always shared he would only remain until Iraq RVs.  Now they’re talking about forcing him into retirement!

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:
Alaq has just retired from the CBI as the governor.  FRANK: Thank you for your service Alaq. Move over, the US Treasury is here.  FIREFLY:  Hours earlier Alaq was on Channel One saying don’t believe the rumors and the TV said he was retiring.  Now he does retire.  FRANK:  The US Treasury is not playing…

Heads Up BREAKING NEWS Troops Being Deployed to Middle East

Edu Matrix:  8-8-2024

Heads Up BREAKING NEWS Troops Being Deployed to Middle East – US Troops Injured in Attack at Military Base in Iraq. Troop Deployment is for the Entire Region.

DITCH THE DOLLAR: China & Russia To Use Barter to Grow Bilateral Trade & Avoid Western Sanctions

Lena Petrova:  8-8-2024