News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 4-29-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 29 April 2024

Compiled Mon. 29 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note:

Global Financial Collapse on the Horizon: Banks not Basil 3 Compliant by Thurs. 2 May will be closed. First Republic Bank has already collapsed.

While the Cabal’s non-asset backed digital currency won’t be available until 2030, the Global Currency Reset of 209 Independent Republics to gold/asset-backed currencies was already in motion and expected to culminate on Wed. 1 May – A New Beginning.

Timing  (RUMORS)

Tues. 30 April: According to Goldilocks a market reset will now happen across all sectors, including Forex.

Wed. 1 May Day – A new Beginning.

On Thurs. 2 May if a bank was not Basel 3 Compliant, they would either be closed, or absorbed by another bank. The Central Bank of Brazil would launch their new “international banking” system. EBS Test?

Sun. 5 May Orthodox Easter

Effective April 30, 2024, the Depository Trust Company is giving us a notice. They’re telling us that their coverage for settlement risks in assets or securities that are not collateralized could be at risk in a market moving into real values.

Corporate notes or bonds are moving from 50% to 70% haircut value. Cryptocurrencies have a haircut value potential of 100%, and this includes Bitcoin.

In other words, any asset going forward that is not backed by a commodity has a haircut value risk when the market resets into a new set of values based on Real World Assets.

What are we being told could happen after April 30th, 2024? A market reset across all sectors of the market including Forex.

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

On Tues. 23 April an announcement was made on the official website of the Central Bank of Brazil about the advent of a new “international banking” system scheduled to launch on May 2, 2024.

The Iraqi Dinar was the Kingpin that would launch the Global Currency Reset of 209 countries. “The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq has told the citizens to prepare for a currency exchange.” …TNT Tony

On Fri. 26 April The National Bank of Iraq Went Live with Core Banking and Payments:

Sat. 27 April 2024 Iraqi Dinar is Done…Wait for it:

Global Financial Collapse:

The First Republic Bank has collapsed.

Sat. 27 April: Cabal Digital Currency designed to rule the World by 2030:

BRICS conducts $260 billion worth of trade without US dollar. The BRICS countries aim to eliminate the US dollar from all global trade and transactions by 2024. The bloc’s goal is to put local currencies above the US dollar to strengthen domestic economies and businesses. The alliance is also urging other developing countries to follow suit and make payments for cross-border transactions in local currencies.

BRICS makes major announcement about expansion:

Sun. 28 April Cuban Bank Runs:

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  Barzani and Sudani both attending big meetings this evening and they say they want to talk to us.  Could this be it…Is this the talk?  FRANK:  I don’t know but I do know these two leaders are about to take you and your country into the new reforms that they have been promising you…It is now being revealed to you… Pay attention to when these two gentlemen talk…because…your media will not even show it to you…Your media is owned by the Iranian politicians… They don’t want you to have anything that has been promised to you…

Walkingstick  [Iraqi Bank owner colleague #1]   The results from the meeting #1 was having with the CBI these last few weeks all of that information is now coming to the citizens ‘to be revealed’.  That’s happening right now…a massive campaign of education to the citizens.  This phase is talking to the citizens. 


BRICS Currency Announced! Is it Gold Backed?

AMPEX:  4-28-2024

In this week’s video, we look at Russia’s announcement of an official BRICS currency.

 There has been speculation and rumors of this currency for some time, and one major theory is that it would be backed by a basket of commodities including gold.

However, the Kremlin recently announced they have almost completed a digital currency based on blockchain technology. Backed by gold or not, if a new BRICS currency becomes internationally adopted for trade, the U.S. Dollar will lose value.

 If U.S. Dollar’s value decreases, we expect the price of gold to increase.

While there is no official launch date yet, dismantling the dollar will take time and we don’t expect it to go down without a fight.

In the meantime, we will keep an eye out for any official launch date and stay ready to keep viewers informed.