News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 3-4-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 4 March 2024

Compiled Mon. 4 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: It was my opinion, and I could be wrong, that on Thurs. 22 Feb the Cabal Financial System imploded.

That way everything would be done by Fri. 15 March when it was expected they would announce to the General Public, the Global Currency Reset and return to a gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe.

Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could very likely go during that ten days of Exposure. So, doing some deductions on the above information, I expect Tier4b to have notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments at least by next Tues. 5 March.

On Mon. 11 March the Federal Reserve will quit giving loans to the banks, which would close any bank across the Globe not Basel 3 compliant and in the BRICS new Financial System.

“They wanted the 10 days of darkness and RV/GCR done by Fr. 15 March. Agreements have been made. All electronics, WiFi, ATMs will go down. Businesses will be closed. Planes, Trains, Buses will be grounded. We had all better stock up on food and supplies, …777 Time Traveler on X and Telegram Sun. 3 March 2024

Global Financial Crisis:

Thurs. 29 Feb. Putin: “The West is discrediting its own currencies and banking system, while established monopolies in the global economy are crumbling,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his annual address to the Federal Assembly on Thursday.

Sat. 2 March: Fitch Ratings cut NYCB’s credit rating to junk, marking its second downgrade of the bank over the past month. The firm said NYCB’s recent disclosures “prompted a reconsideration” around how adequately it has prepared for potential commercial real-estate losses.

Fri. 1 March New York Community Bancorp’s stock plunges nearly 30% as CEO exits, bank admits “material weaknesses” in loan oversight.

 Who holds US financial assets? While the U.S. national debt becomes increasingly domestic (with the main holders being the Federal Reserve, pension funds, and private American investors), the American stock market is becoming more internationalized. Foreigners hold 57% of the shares. This redirection of foreign money is very convenient for the U.S. authorities – in the event of a stock market crash, all risks will be borne not by the American government but by the investors themselves.

Sat. 2 March: The US commercial real estate crisis just got worse with a pension fund selling its Manhattan building for one dollar! As interest rates continue to hammer on commercial property, more banks and funds are at huge financial risk. The commercial real estate market collapse isn’t over and banks might be taking a brutal hit soon.

Sat. 2 March: Americans now owe $1.13 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on household debt. Serious credit card delinquencies, or payments 90 days or more late, rose more than 50% in 2023. This is the highest level since 2009. (NBC News)

Sat. 2 March It’s Happening – Operation Storm:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

PompeyPeter   Yeah, Iraq could come out at 1310 internationally on Forex.  A man could land on the sun or pigs could fly.  In other words the odds are slightly better than those two scenarios but in the opinion of most people it will not happen.  Here’s why:  Sudani stated clearly that the dinar was worth more than the dollar and the value of the dinar would be higher than the value of the dollar.  That ain’t 1310 to $1.  Secondly, Sudani said Iraqi’s dinar would be the solution to the world’s financial and economic problems.  Not at 1310 it’s not.  Three, if they come out at 1310 it’s impossible for the tripartite budget to work.

Militia Man  Merchants will now be able to use the dinar to pay for foreign currency to buy international products…I would imagine there will be changes to Iraq’s currency that will be reflective of the real value of the IQD…They haven’t been using Iraq dinar at 1310 to purchase other foreign currencies.  They’ve never done that before at 1310.  Now they’re saying they can do that…1310 exchange rate has never been an international exchange rate…That’s coming from the Central Bank of Iraq so obviously something is happening  because they’ve never done it before.  I think it’s really good.

BRICS R5 Project: BRICS currency explained

Fastepo:  3-3-2024

The BRICS R5 project aims to create a common currency for the 5 initial BRICS nations, all whose national currencies’ names start with the letter “R”. The inclusion of Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and Ethiopia as new members of BRICS could significantly impact the R5 project, potentially shaping its feasibility, scope, and global economic implications.

The expansion of BRICS, recognized for its geopolitical, geostrategic, and geo-economic implications, particularly with a focus on energy-centric considerations, highlights the diversification and strengthening of the bloc’s economic and political influence.

The expanded BRICS group, now including significant states from the Middle East and Africa, introduces a new dynamic to the discussions on de-dollarization and the use of local currencies for international trade. The presence of key energy producers like Saudi Arabia, Iran and the UAE could enhance the group’s leverage in global oil markets, potentially influencing the pricing and trading mechanisms of energy products, which might support the development and implementation of the R5 project.