Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 28 Dec. 2024
Compiled Sat. 28 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
Judy Note: Although there are rumors that private appointments were being made and certain platforms and Bond Holders have been paid and were under NDAs, it appeared pretty obvious that “All will go, all at once” (possibly) on New Year’s Day Wed. 1 Jan. 2025.
On Tues. 24 Dec. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate based on the price of a barrel of oil was announced by the Iraq International Development Bank on Thurs. 26 Dec. A new Dinar rate appeared on the Australian Forex on Fri. 27 Dec:
Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Julian Assange: “All Intel is saying (that the Tier4b exchange appointments will begin) next week.”
Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Ed of Ocala: Iraq will fall off the world stage if not RI by Dec 31. All their applications- all their efforts and yrs to get there will expire. Iraq won’t last nor can they wait until after the inauguration. So it can’t go a couple of days into January. Deals end Dec 31st
Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Wolverine: “It’s coming. I have a lot of intel that I can’t tell you about. Keep the faith. It’s coming by the end of the year.”
Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: Global Currency Reset, Julian Assange
Safe link 800# will be released closer to go date
Rates are EXTREMELY high
We are almost at the end of the road. All intel is saying “Next Week”
Bond funds delivered to paymasters was coming in so fast everyone was is in awe from the amount
Private appointments are (allegedly) being made now.
Get your plans/projects together and don’t wait around for this to happen without being ready.
No straight cash will be given
You are in charge of your funds and can place funds in different accounts
Advisers will be there to assist you with your funds and will help guide you in your projects or choosing one on the list.
Everything is going well, still some that do not want this to happen, but all is safe.
You can take to your appointment: advisors/bank contacts (if you have already spoken to a specific person)/ friend/any person/s you want to assist you.
Zim Cap information is changing daily but as of now they are (allegedly) paying as follows:
NO projects = 15 million no matter the amount you might hold.
With projects = First 2 bond notes are 1:1 after this 25 million (per 100T) up to 30 bond notes
To negotiate further you will need to return.
Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Bruce:
We heard from a group that is part of the release. They said the release is coming Very Shortly and that means a couple of days.
We are looking for Treasury and WF to release this over the weekend. We could get it Fri. 27 Dec. or Sat. 28 Dec. and start exchanges right away.
Sunday 29 Dec. Redemption Centers will be open.
You will have 2-4 people helping you at your table.
All you need is Id. Might not need utility bill.
They will offer you the contract rate for Iraq and that’s the per barrel price of oil.
You will set up your QFS account with your username and password and five digit password and you will need to set up a new email.
When you move money using your QFS card (which is only used to move money from your primary account) make sure you have what you need for 90 days.
You can move money into a bank account to earn interest – that you negotiate the interest rate with your bank.
Accounts can be set up later when you meet with your Wealth Manager.
Credit/debit card is given to you at the exchange.
You will (allegedly) get the on par rate for the Zim and also a good rate for the Dong.
You may be able to get some proof of fund letters to buy homes, etc.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Frank26 The Vietnamese Dong has explosive potential IMO based on…that the world will now slowly turn more and more towards Vietnam for the things that they used to get out of China. That evidence has already been displayed in the last six years in their economy…If you went to Vietnam today you’d think you were is Dubai.
Militia Man We’re going to keep our eyes peeled for…4805, which is the Ministerial Council of Justice numbering system which talked about the federal budget. We haven’t see that opened yet for 2024 but we see that it’s printed…We don’t know exactly what the contents are. We’re hoping…the new exchange rate is within it.
Greg Mannarino: 12-27-2024