News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 6-1-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 1 June 2024

Compiled Sat. 1 June 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (Rumors/Opinions)

Judy Note: In my opinion it appeared that regulations for the Global Currency Reset were finalized on Wed. 29 May 2024. Tiers 1 and 2 have been funded, while Bond Holders have not.

Tier 3 was apparently under Non Disclosure Agreements so they may already have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could be notified for exchange appointments any time from now to Tues. 4 June, with a final D Day of Thurs. 6 June. 

The Tier4b exchange/ bond redemption process was hoped to be finished by Sat. 15 June and if not, there was a back wall date of Thurs. 4 July when it was believed that the GCR would be announced to the General Public.

Fri. 31 May 2024 Wolverine: “It’s been a very emotional day. I will be having a very special live call. We are just inches away from getting that opera out for you guys. We are finally nearly there. My last call is Fri. 31 May 8:30 pm EST.”

Fri. 31 May 2024 MarkZ: Bond people have not yet been paid.

Everything on the new QFS either relates to gold, or it is backed by a precious metal. These new digital standard protocols will be the mechanism by which money is moved going forward. The future of money is in gold. Everything the world touches going forward will be because of a metal asset that enables it to do so.

Global Financial Crisis:

Australia’s Bankwest Bank has announced that it will close all its branches and ATMs by the end of 2024, in order to become a fully digital bank. Coming soon to a bank near you, as part of the globalist push towards programmable CBDCs.

Bank of America lost its case. SCOTUS decision just confirmed that the US has a dual banking system with Federal and State chartering. Let the decentralization of bank power begin.

Fri. 31 May 2024: RV GESARA! GCR Roadmap 5 & The Brewing Banking Sector Crisis: A Ticking Financial Time Bomb – American Media Group (


US Debt Clock: May 26, 2024 We, The People, are the SOLUTION.

United USA Dollar = an asset-backed form of wealth preservation with a limited supply that appreciates over time. It is a transparent and verifiable real-world asset, serving as a debt-free currency payable to the bearer. This new USA Treasury certificate is backed by 100% of “We the People” assets, including gold, silver, copper, oil, gas, equity markets, agriculture, real estate, mining, and new energy sources like thorium.


Divided FED Dollar = an unsecured perpetual debt instrument representing an infinite supply of money that has never been audited. It functions as a mechanism for wealth redistribution, utilizing a secretive, leveraged counterfeit derivative known as the Federal Reserve note. This system’s origins trace back to 1913 when President Woodrow Wilson effectively transferred control of the U.S. financial system to bankers by establishing the Federal Reserve. These bankers use the Federal Reserve’s debt-based system as reserves. The Federal Reserve note, particularly after being removed from the gold standard in 1971, is backed by nothing tangible. This system was never intended to be repaid; rather, it was designed to transfer wealth to the top 1% and the bankers who convened at Jekyll Island. The division of the Federal Reserve Dollar arises from the extensive manipulation in the financial sector, leading to an unsustainable level of debt and an imminent financial bubble on the verge of bursting.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  The TV just said the main objective of the second phase of the banking system is to have the Iraqi dinar regain its former strength.  They also said they are expecting the budget to be passed before the 9th of June.  FRANK:  They are telling you they are still on course to add value to your currency.  Nothing has stopped...  FIREFLY:  They just said it that budget when approved will need a new rate to make it work correct.  FRANK:  Don’t you love it when your leaders tell you their goal is to regain the value of your currency because this is what they promised you.

Mnt Goat   I wanted to share an interesting conversation I had…with my CBI contact this past Wednesday…I was told that the committee to work on the Project to Delete the Zeros has sent the CBI prepared articles to the news media for the sake of educating the citizens on the upcoming process. However, they are dated and so they are for the near future and not for current news.  Yes, they are getting ready and moving ahead.

LIVE! (Are You Ready For It?) A Hyper-Inflationary Event May Not Be Too Far Off.

Greg Mannarino:  5-31-2024

Steve Forbes on The New Gold Standard with Guest Philip Patrick from Birch Gold

The Liberty Report:  5-31-2024

The New Gold Standard is coming, as told by famous economist Steve Forbes…Tune in to this Episode with Ron Paul and Special Guest Phillip Patrick from Birch Gold as they discuss the future of gold and the economy.