News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 5-23-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 23 May 2024

Compiled Thurs. 23 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: It’s the end, and time for a New Beginning. Keep love for all humanity in your heart and God in your plans to help them.

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, has announced his plans to retire, while FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg would also step down. The FDIC lacks sufficient funds to cover insured accounts.

These developments, alongside the introduction of the “End the Fed” Bill and the passage of a Blockchain Bill, signal a shift in global economic and financial systems back to The People.

Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: Apparently Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) has not yet been notified of how to set exchange and redemption appointments, although some Bond People are liquid and expectations are that things will start to explode this Memorial Day Weekend.

Wed. 22 May 2024 Wolverine Chat: “This will not be a long chat. There was a meeting last night in Reno. The topic was when to release the notifications. The notifications are coming out. The main bondholders are hopefully expecting notifications today. So hold on everyone!!  We are on the very edge of this! Expecting notifications to come in today for the major bondholders. Tier4B, in my opinion, will hopefully come in on the weekend.  Things are happening in the Pentecostal group. The leader will be having a get together in Bogota the first week of June, so then they will be ready to go. It was a very good audio that they put out yesterday. Hopefully they will be able to release it has been long time for that platform as the owner has been through so much. Not much other Intel coming through right now. Keep your fingers crossed and hopefully we will have good news very soon. Take care,” Wolverine

Wed. 22 May 2024 MarkZ: “I am confident that some Bond Holders such as those in Humanitarian Projects are being paid and bonds are moving today Wed. 22 May.”

Tues. 21 May 2024 Banker: “Well folks was advised we would have positive indications today but now am being told it should come on the 24th which is this coming Friday which would give the banks time to deal with their Fridays and Mondays and begin to schedule appointments later into next week.  We can only hope that at some point these projections will be accurate.”

Tues. 21 May 2024 Unknown Source: “Banks in the USA will close on the 24th and until May 27th (Monday) they will be offline, without credit cards and without access to 24-hour banking. It will be the beginning of AES – EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM and on Tues. 28 May 2024, some banks and companies will no longer open.


Tues. 21 May 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#:

There was a meeting last night with 64 individuals in Reno to decide when the emails were going out for Tier 3, 4a,b. They were told to make the decision whether this was going on Tues. 21 May, or on Wed. 22 May.

A Metals Broker said that this could go overnight tonight Tues-Wed 21, 22.

Everyone left Reno either last night or at 6am this morning. That means they got things done and we should have this overnight tonight or tomorrow.


Global Financial Crisis:

Wed. 22 May 2024: BOMBSHELL!!! US DEBT CLOCK: The Collapse of the Old Financial Order: Klaus Schwab Resigns, Federal Reserve Faces Abolition, and Gold & Silver Rise – American Media Group (

Tues. 21 May 2024 Congressman Tom Emmer calls to ban CBDC’s and says President Biden wants to trade Americans’ right to privacy for a CCP-style Central Bank Digital Currency surveillance tool.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  There’s a lot of money going to to be made in Iraq and it’s all starting to come together.   When the World Bank is sitting at the table and they’re working to finance projects, take a look at it.  It doesn’t smell of, ‘oh,  this is never going to happen, blah, blah, blah, we heard this two years ago.’ No you didn’t.  I have to tease because I still get  that on occasion.        
Question “What does your gut say the rate will be in the end?”  Remember I said IMO the float would probably be between $3.36 and $4.25 would be a good place to cap it.    

IMPORTANT IMF Report on Iraq’s Economy GDP Prediction Good News

Edu Matrix:  5-23-3034

IMPORTANT IMF Report on Iraq’s Economy GDP Prediction Good News – The International Monetary Fund’s Latest Report on Iraq is Good News.

Currency News; Iraq: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnam Dong, ZiG Currency, Haiti’s Currency, Gold, and BRICS Currency Plans.

China SELLS RECORD $53.5B in US Debt, Geopolitical Risks & Fear of Sanctions Shift Global Economies

Lena Petrova:  5-22-2024