Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 5 March 2024
Compiled Tues. 5 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note:
Banking Collapse Imminent. Banks cannot sustain Bank Runs. The 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act allows the banks to confiscate assets, so they are. At Risk: 401Ks (currently there are $27T in retirement accounts) and people with cash positions in banks will have their money taken. The banks have already started this by limiting how much money you can take out, transfer on Zelle, or move in general. Effective March 11, 2024 there will be no more money to loan out.
Global Currency Reset:
Mon. 4 March MarkZ: “I have a lot of sources expecting it to break loose in the next two days. I would not be surprised to see it before we reach the weekend as of right now. …Anne Vandersteele said that the banking collapse was imminent – the reset has begun and effective March 26, 2020 the Federal Reserve board reduced requirement ratios on all net transaction accounts to zero percent eliminating reserve requirements for all depository institutions. The term ‘bank financing’ disappears in seven days on March 11th, or midnight on the 10th is when those things cease to exist. On March 11th there will be no more money to loan out and the Fed gets to pick and choose who gets to loan out money and who will collapse.”
Sat. 2 March Frank26: “To be clear, yes, the IQD is trading on the private side of Forex, the institutional side, trading in futures. The trading chart has been climbing steadily and closed yesterday at $2.70.This may or may not be a precursor to what we see on the PUBLIC side. We could see more, we could see less. We don’t know, but the point is…before we can go to the bank as investors, the IQD must be trading on the public side of Forex. That’s the number the CBI will post on their website when the IQD becomes tradable. Everywhere. The time for that to happen is now upon us, but they have to show it. By all indications, they’re about to!”
Sat. 2 March Wolverine: “Coming on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 4, 5, 6 March we will be having an awesome week. This is no rumor. The Dinar is in the Forex and soon to be tradable. When it does, we will get our Green Light!”
25 Countries on Wait List to join BRICS:
Global Financial Crisis:
Effective March 26, 2020, the Federal Reserve Board reduced reserve requirement ratios on all net transaction accounts to zero percent, eliminating reserve requirements for all depository institutions
In the Spring of 2023 the Banking Collapse started with smaller regional banks.
In the Spring of 2024 the next wave of Banking Collapse will continue.
In Nov 2023 the CEOs of Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan told Congress they could not go from 0% reserves to be held to a 3% reserve balance. The current Deposit to Loan Ratios means the banks cannot sustain any type of run on the banks. When the people realize what is happening there will be a run on the banks.
Effective March 11, 2024 there will be no more money to loan out and the Fed will pick and choose who gets to loan out money
Congress passed the bail in provision with 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which allows the banks to confiscate assets. The bail-in relief was legalized in the U.S. following the 2007–2008 financial crisis in which banks deemed “too big to fail” were bailed out by the U.S. government. The specific section of Dodd-Frank that deals with bail-ins is Title II: Orderly Liquidation Authority (OLA).
At Risk: 401Ks (currently there are $27T in retirement accounts) and people with cash positions in banks will have their money taken. The banks have already started this by limiting how much money you can take out, transfer on Zelle or move in general.
This will be the demise of the middle class leading to a recession and then depression. People will be left with nothing if they do not diversify their cash into paying off loans, buying gold, silver, crypto or other hard assets.
As BRICS comes more online, you are going to see the transfer to asset backed transactions.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Jeff Iraq has already revealed to you they’ll be revaluing their currency specifically within the month of March. It’s not even a secret.
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Parliament Finance is calling in the CBI to open bank branches outside of Iraq. FRANK: Too late, That’s been going on a while! All last year we already told about the private banks of the CBI – They’re going to retrieve the 3-zeros outside of Iraq because 97% or more is already been retrieved inside…The satellite banks are all over the world right now are ready to collect the 3-zero notes…All of these actions are to introduce the new exchange rate and the new national sovereignty to you, Iraqi citizens.
US SENATOR EXPOSES Government: US Is DEAD BROKE & Govt Spending Is a SCAM, Says Sen. T. Tuberville
Lena Petrova: 3-5-2024
It’s Happening: Wells Fargo, Bank Of America and More Announce New Banks CLOSING!
Atlantis Report: 3-4-2024
The American banking landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, with a clear trend towards fewer physical branches and a greater emphasis on digital banking options.
This trend is reflected in the recent announcements by major banks like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Citibank, who have all confirmed plans to close additional branches across the country.
Today, we will examine the reasons behind these closures, their potential impact on consumers, and the evolving future of banking in the United States.