Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Exceerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 23 April 2024
Compiled Tues. 23 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)
When the Stock Market and Crypto Markets crash, they will turn the power off (to stop the complete dissolve of the Global Financial Market). Space Force and StarLink have confirmed they are ready and prepared to turn the power back on (using Tesla Free Energy – making the World energy independent). This will cripple the Elites’ control over energy and finance (by instigating the Global Currency Reset) and will free us, the debt slaves.
Sat. 20 April Charlie Ward: “The reset will happen after the collapse of the Euro and dollar under Joe Biden.”
Sun evening 21 April: Charlie Ward, MarkZ confirm that the Mother Contracts between buyers and sellers are happening.
Sun. evening 21 April: A bond holder in a Reno group with other 39 groups who had the same paymaster with offices in Hong Kong and New York said that last Wednesday, the paymaster got under an NDA and last night he told them to get ready for Tuesday 23 April!
Wolverine: Colombia will be (allegedly) getting their gold backed currency on Tues. 23 April. The military and G13 will (allegedly) enter on Sat. 20 April to receive their already unlocked amounts. I received news from a huge whale in Europe, who received email from Reno saying that Reno has started the process.
TNT Tony: The process (allegedly) started in Iraq Fri. evening. 19 April.
Mexico Confirmed all banks closed for five days: All banks will close their doors for 5 days and no operations will be possible.
Mon. 22 April XRPLion on Zim Redemption:
Global Financial Crisis:
Mon. 22 April US Dollar on Collision Course to Destruction, Mike Adams:
Mon. 22 April: Black Swan Event – Protocol 19 – NESARA – GESARA – Revolution – Trust the Plan! – American Media Group (
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Television says that from the CBI the United States of America reconstruction on Iraqi banks will be lifted soon. FRANK: That is a powerful statement…They’re already lifted. It just has to be made official…
Militia Man Al-Sudani has rocked it. They showcased this country like they’ve never done before. We’ve never seen this. Anybody that’s been in this investment since 2003 has never witnessed what we’re witnessing today…If they were going to come out at 1310 dinar to try to do all the things they’re doing right now the world would be just like they were in Kuwait – crickets. This is powerful. Wonderful.
IMF world bank Iraq
Nader: 4-22-2024
The Iraqi Prime Minister is Talking in Code
Edu Matrix: 4-22-2024
The Iraqi Prime Minister is Talking in Code Here’s What He’s Saying – The Iraqi PM is talking in “Banking Language” He’s telling us the rate will increase – until now many of us didn’t hear him.
Reporting the news; Now it’s time to report on the words he said.
Why does the Iraqi PM keep meeting with JP Morgan? We must keep an eye on JP Morgan internal and external actions.