News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 5-14-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 14 May 2024

Compiled Tues. 14 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset Judy Note:

Mon. 13 May 2024 Wolverine: “I confirm this. Like I said the live call is going to be very emotional. Get those tissues ready everyone. Received information from a Bond Banker in Brazil today. A large Tier 3 Platform in Brazil has been authorized for receiving liquidity now by Central Bank and Notifications going out with Payments happening! Other news: Mike Bara has said that a Tier 3 bond holder on the U.S. East coast has received his notification. Waiting to hear if he has been paid. Expecting a wire any time.”

WOW US Bank Accepted 25,000 Dinar Equal $25,000 Dollar – 2:56 Chase Bank RV Started Wells Fargo And JP Morgan Date & Time of IQD Fixed – 3:23 100 % Revaluation Confirmed – 3:14 Congratulations  Revaluation Done Go And Your Dinar & Dong On New Rate – 3:36 Really It is Very Good Rate For All Investors $4.66 USD – 2:04

Chase Bank RV Started Wells Fargo And JP Morgan Date & Time of IQD Fixed – 3:23

100 % Revaluation Confirmed – 3:14

Congratulations Revaluation Done Go And Your Dinar & Dong On New Rate – 3:36

Really It is Very Good Rate For All Investors $4.66 USD – 2:04

Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 13 May 2024: US Dollar To Collapse, BRICS

Mon. 13 May 2024: The Financial Tsunami is HERE: Crypto Predictions, Next Black Swan, XRP, QFS, GCR, US Treasury Note and Cryptocurrency Regulations (Goldilocks) – American Media Group (

Sun. 12 May 2024: US Debt Clock: New Money Incoming! The Power of Precious Metals – Know What You Hold!!! – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Goldilocks:  Global Banking Announcement:

This is a note to follow up on the banker who went into foreign currency exchange training last week. 

She shared that Banks are “currently” exchanging their currencies using native currencies.

There will be much faster settlement times utilizing a country’s own currencies for the exchange.

Presently, this applies to all currencies around the world except for the IQD. 

This makes sense to me due to the fact that Dee and I have been told that the IQD would not float. It will be given a revalued rate.  

This bank will go unnamed to protect it from being bombarded with phone calls. 

What is important to take from this piece of Intel is, for this Bank, these new procedures began today.

This does not mean that all Banks have started these protocols yet, but it does mean that expectations are high that they begin. 

© Goldilocks

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Fnu Lnu  There are several regiments to float a currency: FREE FLOAT – The currency’s value is determined solely by supply and demand in the market…MANAGED FLOAT – Similar to a free floating…but a government intervenes by buying or selling its own currency to minimize fluctuations.  CURRENCY PEG – The currency’s value is pegged to a basket of currencies or to another country’s currency.  EUROPEAN SNAKE [In The Tunnel] – Beginning in mid-1972…Each country agreed not to allow its currency to fluctuate more than 1 1/8% up or down from an agreed central exchange rate.   [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

Fnu Lnu   I doubt they still call it “The Snake” but that is the method used to if one wishes to participate in the IMF baskets…The Dinar will use the European Snake method of floating the currency because it only allows for a 1 1/8% fluctuation up or down thus providing the maximum stability. The currency will open with it’s permanent value, more or less, and then over time, it may be allowed to adjust one and one-eighth percent either way…   [Post 2 of 2]


Gold is up Iraq

Nader:  5-13-2024