News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 9-26-2023


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 26 Sept. 2023

Compiled Tues. 26 Sept. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 25 Sept. Charlie Ward: All of the people at the top are under strict NDAs. The people leaking information should not be leaking it because they are not from the higher sources. For those people that are waiting for their money to come this next week, it is not going to come. All these dates and times that are out there are all rubbish. The first thing that has to happen is the old financial system has to collapse.

Nadar on the IQD: Tree good new for the iqd and Iraqi people – YouTube

On Fri. 15 Sept. Iraq allegedly  RVd their Dinar.

On Mon. 18 Sept. Iraq presented their Dinar RV and Sovereignty to the UN.

On Fri. 22 Sept. Iraq (allegedly)   announced the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate as $11.90. On that same Fri. 22 Sept. the Quantum Financial System took over the Global Financial System, while Exchange Centers staff were placed on High Alert.

On Sun. evening 24 Sept. the QFS was activated and all funds were gold backed according to rumor.

Sun. 24 Sept. Wolverine: The funds have been released and placed on the Quantum Financial System.

Mon. 25 Sept. TNT Tony: “I’m not looking for this today, but real soon. Everyone is saying it will be done by the end of this coming weekend.”

Fri. 29 Sept. Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) notifications to set exchange/ redemption appointments…Fallawsophy on Telegram

By Sun. 1 Oct. all banks were required to be on the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System rather than the old SWIFT System that was based on the fiat US Dollar. Sun. 1 Oct. was also the deadline for US Inc. government to shut down.

By Tues. 10 Oct. the bulk of redemption appointments and exchanges were expected to be done.

It was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed by Wed. 1 Nov

Rubix Q: My guestimate is that the RV will kick this off. Why? The Iraqi can no longer wait. They are 3 months behind. They know the truth and they will demand and not hesitate to tear down the country. I’m holding on to this. They’ve suffered way too long to wait on anymore political ping-pong. You can only tease so much…you can only dangle the carrot for so long… Everything else after the RV is the EBS/QFS shotgun. Just analyzing out loud.

Mon. 25 Sept. Charlie Ward was on the PPN show today.

Charlie got a call from a lawyer this morning because no one else could call him because of NDA’S

All of the people at the top are under strict military NDAs and are not leaking out stories at all to anyone! The stories that are leaking out are being done by people that shouldn’t be saying anything and are not by people that are the highest source.  The lawyer told him to stop talking about the RV and stop talking about the oneness fund. Charlie said that he was told by the lawyer that a lot of misinformation is out there being done by naughty people.

Charlie said for those people that are waiting for their money to come next week that it is not going to come next week. Charlie also said that the old system has to collapse first and it has not collapsed yet even though it is teetering on the brink of collapse.

He said we all know that everything is ready to go. So we just need to sit back and wait for the collapse.

Charlie says that all these dates and times that are out there are all rubbish. He says we’re not there yet, but we are nearly there and we have to wait till for the old system to collapse.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man   Article:  “The invitation to the organization to attend the introductory symposium on Iraq’s entry into the World Trade Organization which is being held on 4th of October”  The showcasing of them having had an international exchange rate has got to be coming because the WTO is not going to allow IMO ascension to the WTO without having a valuation of their country…

Walkingstick  The tender that put Kurdistan and Erbil, the last remaining banks that are outside the reform process, inline… The tender for the currency and coins has been met per request, meaning the needed currency and coins, the count and the value, for the release of the new exchange rate has been fulfilled.

Dollar To Go Into The DUSTBIN Of History | David Morgan

Liberty and Finance:  9-25-2023

The Dollar will go into the “dustbin of history” once the Fed reverses, says David Morgan of The Morgan Report. The Fed paused hiking rates last week but is still talking hawkishly.

 Morgan doesn’t expect the Fed to ease anytime soon, but when they do, he forecasts that metals will shoot higher.


0:00 Intro

2:00 Gold & silver update

 9:09 Fed pause

12:20 BRICS expansion

19:27 Holding real money

20:31 The Morgan Report

21:28 Last thoughts