News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 3-27-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 27 March 2024

Compiled Wed. 27 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

It’s only wise to have at least a three-week supply of food, water, cash, fuel, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself and to help others in case of a disaster.

Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 25 March Wolverine:  Ok guys are you ready for good news? Need 400 good emojis. Ok Reno has started. Whales are getting calls to go to Reno. They have signed all contracts. Get ready God bless. …Wolverine

Mon. 25 March MarkZ: One of my Bond Holder contacts expected things to happen by mid-week this week. They believe they will actually be walking away from the table with spendable money. Historic Bonds are getting positive chatter again. We in Tier 4b are supposed to go immediately following bonds. I understand that the whole process should only be a week long and that the very first things we should see is Bond Folks getting dollars.

Mon. 25 March Iraqi Dinar Video Update: A massive announcement happened on Iraqi TV. There was a huge elimination of zeros and the Iraqi budget. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), US Treasury and World Bank increased in value by 100%:

Tues. 26 March: NESARA and GESARA Unveil Monumental Changes: Global Implementation Begins! – American Media Group (

Starlink, QFS, Project Odin, MOSSAD Satellites and the Biggest Secrets Unfolding in our Cosmos – American Media Group (


Tues. 26 March 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

The St. Germaine Trust is opening on Easter Sun 31 March and goes to support GESARA globally.

Super Whales who were really large bond holders, finished three months ago but don’t yet have access to their funds.

Whales in Tier 3 finished last Fri. 22 March and were awaiting a go to have access to their funds.

The regular Bond Holders will be finished up tomorrow Wed. 27 March afternoon. Their emails will go out 3:00 on Wed.

We in Tier4a,b are to be notified to set appointments to exchange on the heels of the regular Bond Holders who will be completed around 3:00-4:00 pm Wed. 27 March to Thurs. morning 28 March.

The R&R funds release and Social Security increases will happen in April.

The USN will be out around 15 April.

New rates are coming out on Dong and Dinar on Wed. 27 March around 3-4:00 pm.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  The 15th of April is interesting because we have him [PM Sudani] going over there [DC] but do we have to wait until the 15th of April to see the new exchange rate.  No.  Especially when Sudani says I have an announcement to make to you.  He said he would do it during the Ramadan

Mnt Goat   Article:  “IRAQ IS NINTH IN THE WORLD IN NATURAL RESOURCE RESERVES..”  Quote:  “Iraq was ranked among the top ten countries possessing the most valuable natural resource reserves, in terms of total estimated value for the past 3 years.”  OK, so if this is part of the Basel IV currency valuation algorithm then where is it reflected in the rate of the dinar? Why is it still 1/6 of a penny? Folks is just doesn’t make any sense. The IMF and the US Treasury are artificially suppressing the rate of the dinar. Remember VALUE and RATE are two different items and the value should be reflected honestly in the rate… 

Economic Bombshell: Emergency CUTS Signaled, Japan Prepares Dollar Dump To Save Collapsing Yen

Sean Foo:  3-26-2024

The Federal Reserve has signalled emergency rate cuts if the unemployment rises. They are even willing to suspend the inflation fight to prop up the US economy. This is urgent and dangerous. Meanwhile, to save the collapsing Yen, Japan is moving to do another currency intervention. The BOJ is planning to dump billions of US dollars to prop up the Yen. Here’s what you must know.

Timestamps & Chapters:

 0:00 Powell Signals Emergency Cuts

 3:23 Big Weakness In The US Economy

5:55 Big US Recession Risk

7:59 Japan’s Big Dollar Dump

11:20 Massive Yen Crisis