Parliamentary Committee Determines Fate of “Return of Real Estate” Law: State Lands Under Threat

Parliamentary Committee Determines Fate of “Return of Real Estate” Law: State Lands Under Threat

Member of the Parliamentary legal Committee, Mohammed Al-Khafaji, showed nowadays, Tuesday, that the law to recover residences confiscated at some point of the technology of the defunct regime faces many observations and issues that require careful treatment.

Al-Khafaji said in a statement to, “The draft law includes texts that permit the go back of confiscated lands that the ministries not want to their unique proprietors, but the objections focused on the comprehensiveness of the law, specifically in regards to lands whose proprietors have been previously compensated or on which government initiatives consisting of hospitals and faculties were built.”

He pointed out that “there are worries that the regulation will lead to the lack of nation lands, mainly with the proposed expansion at the rate of the general public interest,” stressing that “discussions within the legal Committee are nonetheless ongoing to examine the comments and issues.”

He mentioned that “the regulation goals to lift the injustice from the ones affected,” stressing “the need to balance between justice for them and shielding nation belongings.”

He added: “If the raised comments are addressed, the regulation may also pass closer to approval, but this can’t be guaranteed within the subsequent legislative session.”

it’s miles noteworthy that the parliament determined to postpone the discussion of the regulation on returning houses to their proprietors to an unspecified date, due to a verbal altercation that broke out between deputies from the Sunni and Kurdish additives.