Parliamentary confirmations of the difficulty of resolving the oil and gas law

Parliamentary confirmations of the difficulty of resolving the oil and gas law

Kazem Al-Touki, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Natural Resources Committee, reaffirmed today, Friday, the challenge of passing the oil and gas legislation in Parliament.

“With the new year and the start of the first legislative term of the third legislative year of Parliament, especially with there being a serious effort to legislate it,” Al-Touki stated. “The oil and gas law was supposed to see the light.”

He said, “The government program included resolving the oil and gas law, and there is seriousness in this regard, but there are some obstacles placed by the region that prevented the law from being completed and presented to Parliament for a vote.”

The most significant of them is the disputed oil territories between Baghdad and Erbil, which must be settled before moving toward approving the legislation, he said. Other issues with the region must also be handled before moving forward with the law.