Parliamentary integrity reveals the imminent opening of the most dangerous corruption files

Parliamentary integrity reveals the imminent opening of the most dangerous corruption files

On Saturday, the Parliamentary Integrity Committee announced that it will soon begin investigating the most dangerous corruption cases related to state-owned real estate. It also expressed the government’s parliamentary intention to reinstate the offices of general inspectors.

Alia Nassif, the Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, stated that the committee deals with many corruption files. However, the committee is prioritizing opening the most crucial and difficult corruption file, the state real estate file, as it is readily available.

During the committee meeting, the director of state real estate discussed the Office of Financial Supervision report, which included a comprehensive database of state real estate transactions.

Nassif highlighted an issue regarding the cancellation of general inspectors, leaving the Integrity Commission unable to cover all corruption files.

It’s worth mentioning that the state’s real estate file is regarded as one of the most crucial corruption files. Despite numerous demands to open it, its opening has been delayed for more than one electoral cycle. Political pressures played a significant role in the file’s repeated postponement.