Politician: Washington is waving the economic card to ensure the survival of its forces in Iraq

Politician: Washington is waving the economic card to ensure the survival of its forces in Iraq

Political analyst Sabah Al-Ukaili stated on Wednesday that if the government chooses to withdraw American forces from Iraq, Washington will be forced to play the economic card against Baghdad due to the collapse of ISIS’s terrorist project in the nation and the termination of the rationale for American forces’ presence there.

“Despite the fact that it created this criminal organization, America will not be able to create a new version of the terrorist ISIS in Iraq; its project has failed and has never been successful,” Al-Ugaili stated.

According to him, “America may resort to other methods to ensure that it does not leave Iraq and establish its presence in military bases by waving the economic card that it uses to threaten Iraq and its government in the event of a tightening pressure on it and an attempt to expel its forces from the country.”

He said that “Iraqi funds for oil exports are transferred to the US Federal Bank, and therefore America is exploiting these funds as a pressure card on Iraq in order to continue its presence on Iraqi soil after the failure of the ISIS terrorist project.”