Resuming the release of the Popular Mobilization Forces advances with a ceiling of 25 million dinars

Resuming the release of the Popular Mobilization Forces advances with a ceiling of 25 million dinars

With a 25 million dinar cap, the Popular Mobilization Forces declared on Sunday that they would once again be making advances to its members.

“Offical approval was obtained from the Rafidain Bank, today, Sunday, to resume work by releasing advances from the Popular Mobilization Forces with a ceiling of 25 million dinars,” the PMF media said in a statement that was received by.

“This comes after a meeting between the Director of the Rafidain Bank, Ali Karim Hussein, and the Director of the Administrative and Public Finance Department of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Hussein Ismail, where the agreement concluded to resume work on releasing advances to the Popular Mobilization Forces with a maximum ceiling of 25 million dinars for members, in accordance with the mechanisms and controls previously followed, in honor of “For the efforts of the Commission’s members and what they provided as part of their national duty to defend the country and the sanctities.” he continued.