The regional government deducts money from its employees under the pretext of completing the salaries of retirees

The regional government deducts money from its employees under the pretext of completing the salaries of retirees

A Kurdish source affirmed on Wednesday that the local government had deducted a measure of 16 thousand dinars from every worker under the guise of finishing the shortage in the pay rates of retired people, approaching the parliamentary money and uprightness boards of trustees to explore this matter.

“Under the pretext of completing the salaries of retirees to cover the deficit in their salaries, an amount of (16) thousand dinars was deducted from all employees of the region who received their salaries for this month,” the source stated.

“The retirees received their full salaries, including the increase approved by the government by adding an amount of (100) thousand dinars to each retiree whose salary is less than one million Iraqi dinars, calling on the parliamentary finance and integrity committees to investigate these deductions,” he continued. “The retirees received their full salaries, including the increase approved by the government.”

The Committee of Pastors supported the proposition of the group of the Bureaucratic and Provincial Monetary Management Authorities working together, in regards to the unification of the retirement regulation all through Iraq, including the Kurdistan District, in light of a legitimate concern for the locale’s retired folks, and leveling their compensations with their companions in the national government.