The representative believes that it will be difficult to pass the budget schedules today for several reasons

The representative believes that it will be difficult to pass the budget schedules today for several reasons

Delegate from the Ishraqa Kanon coalition, Hadi Al-Salami, affirmed on Monday that it is truly challenging for the Place of Agents to pass the 2024 spending plan plans for today meeting, taking note of the presence of inconsistencies, uncertainty, and misdistribution of designations between the area and the focal and southern governorates.

Al-Salami stated, “The vote on the current year’s budget schedules will not pass easily during today’s session, as it will face many interventions and criticism from the Finance Committee, which violated the parliamentary frameworks by secluding itself in a place outside the dome of Parliament to review the schedules sent by the government, and this represents “This is a precedent that has not been followed by any international parliament, which has created many doubts.” “The vote on the current year’s budget schedules

He added, “The individuals from the Place of Delegates have not yet been given clarifications of the timetables by the Money Council, then again, actually we got a few holes through certain partners in the Money Board of trustees, and this is likewise a legitimate infringement.”

Al-Salami made sense of that “the delegates of the Ishraqa Kanon coalition and an enormous number of agents have protests and mediations in regards to the misdistribution of monetary portions and the inclination for the district to the detriment of the focal and southern governorates.”

It is imperative that the Place of Delegates will hold a democratic meeting this midday on the corrected timetables of Government Spending plan Regulation No. ( 13) and its extensions, Timetables (A, B, C, E, F).