“The schedules will reach us within 10 days.” Parliament Finance: The total budget is 206 trillion

“The schedules will reach us within 10 days.” Parliament Finance: The total budget is 206 trillion

The Parliamentary Finance Committee made the arrival date and total of the budget schedules public today, Sunday.

Advisory group part, Moeen Al-Kazemi, said in a meeting with Al-Rabaa, “The three sided financial plan included 78 fixed things and doesn’t change except if there is a consent to change some of them, and that changes and corrections are just on the timetables.”

Al-Kadhimi added, “An increment of 7 trillion dinars will be changed in the tables,” adding: ” The complete will become 206 trillion out of a sum of 199 trillion dinars, after perceptions from the Services of Money and Arranging and the Leading body of Guides.”

“This budget is considered planning and cannot be spent completely, noting that the government’s oil and non-oil revenues do not exceed 150 trillion dinars,” he stated.

He brought up, “These changes are booked to be finished a few months prior, and this isn’t legitimate, except if serious surveys of the ventures are directed.”

He made sense of: ” Inside the following 10 days, these timetables will arrive at the Money Advisory group, which will concentrate on them and move their suggestions to Parliament for endorsement and start dispensing allotments to services and governorates.”