TNT – More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 3-15-2024


Lynne: Mar.14th 2024

Hi all, I just wanted to share today that I was signing real estate docs to list my property, and my realtor knows somebody who’s dealing in currencies along with the Dinar.

I talked to this guy named Paul, who happens to be one of the few group left that the Admiral is handling. This guy has direct contact to the treasury and the World bank of China.

The treasury won’t validate or deny anything directly. However, his contacts state they are stating it’s supposed to be done this month.

To me, that was great news as it at least validated this investment from a direct person I got to speak to that has very high up contacts. Thought I would share.


Clare:  Al-Kadhimi: We are waiting for the Council of Ministers to vote on the 2024 budget schedules and send them in the coming days


Today, Friday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee commented on Finance Minister Taif Sami’s announcement that data related to the 2024 budget schedules would be sent to the Council of Ministers.

Committee member Moeen Al-Kadhimi explained, in a press statement, followed by NRT Arabia, that “the Ministry of Finance sending data on the 2024 budget tables to the Council of Ministers means that its mission has ended and we are waiting for the Council of Ministers to vote on these tables and send them within the next few days.”

Al-Kadhimi added, “The Council of Ministers will speed up sending these tables to the House of Representatives, and we in turn will have access to them, and some amendments may be made to them, if there are any observations, and we cannot view these data, except after they officially arrive from the Council of Ministers.” “After he approves it.”

Last Wednesday, the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, announced the completion of data related to the 2024 budget tables, the inclusion of texts, and sending them to the Council of Ministers.

 Sami said, “The data related to the 2024 budget tables has been completed, the texts have been included, and they have been sent to the Council of Ministers.” 

She stressed that she “will not launch funding for the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees for the month of March until after resettlement, and I do not disagree with the decision of the Federal Court.”

The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, announced on February 20 that “the government is continuing to scrutinize the schedules for the 2024 budget, as the government carefully confronted the deficit within the 2023 budget.”   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   There was an announcement made by the Prime Minister Sudani…He told the Iraqi citizens, I’m going to add value to your currency.  He used a solemn oath that swears upon Allah their God.  You don’t go around breaking that promise.  It was exciting to realize the Prime Minister told the people, I assure you, I give you a solemn holy oath were going to add value to the currency…Sudani told the citizens we’re going to raise it to $1.32…He explained if we lift the 3-zeros from the exchange rate we’ll be able to give you $1.32 in country.  That’s good purchasing power.

Clare   Article:  “After hosting the Governor… Parliamentary Finance: We look forward to raising the value of the dinar”  Quote:  “…Thursday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee expressed its aspiration to coordinate with the Central Bank to increase the value of the dinar and control the market.”

Wells Fargo adapted to new QFS system

Nader:  3-15-2024

BRICS to Transform the Global Market by its own “Raw Materials Exchange” similar to OPEC

Fastepo:  3-14-2024

As preparations for the BRICS summit in October 2024 are underway, discussions are intensifying behind the scenes regarding the agenda and programs.

 Amidst these deliberations, a notable initiative is gaining momentum. Recognizing that all BRICS nations are significant producers of raw materials, including oil, gas, metals, and minerals, there is contemplation of a transformative action.

BRICS official has highlighted discussions within BRICS regarding the establishment of a “raw materials exchange”, signaling the bloc’s increasing influence on the global stage. This move underscores the growing significance of BRICS nations in shaping international economic initiatives.

This potential development marks a significant step forward for the alliance, signaling its intent to diversify and expand its economic cooperation beyond traditional boundaries

This system provides countries with enhanced control over their raw materials trade, reducing dependence on the traditional global financial system.