TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Saturday 4-6-2024


Tishwash:  Iraq and Saudi Arabia sign 12 memorandums of understanding for specific investment projects

Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed memorandums of understanding with 12 Saudi companies with the aim of enhancing cooperation in a number of specific investment projects.

A statement from the ministry, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, said, “The memorandums of understanding signed with 12 Saudi companies came with the Iraq Fund for Development, with the aim of enhancing cooperation in a number of qualitative investment projects in Iraq.”

Last December, Saudi Arabia signed a partnership agreement with Iraq in the field of industrial investments for the private sector, as part of the two countries’ efforts to strengthen their bilateral relations and attract foreign investments.  link

Tishwash:  Do not burden Sudanese’s visit to Washington with more than its “true meaning.” What exactly is its purpose?

 The political and academic researcher, Hani Ashour, stressed today, Friday, the importance of not burdening the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to the United States of America more than its true meaning.

Ashour told “Jarida”, “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to the United States of America is a protocol visit within the framework of joint relations between the two countries in the security, economic, political and other areas that were previously agreed upon, in addition to what is included in the strategic framework agreement.” “.

He added, “All prime ministers since 2003 have made visits to the United States of America and met with the American President, except for Adil Abdul Mahdi, due to the incident of the assassination of Al-Muhandis and Soleimani. Therefore, this visit should not be burdened with more than its true meaning. Rather, it comes within the framework of the existence of agreements with the International Monetary Fund.” The US Treasury is concerned with the Iraqi financial and economic situation, and there are agreements that must be activated in this regard.”

He pointed out that “linking the visit to a future political project for the Sudanese is unlikely, as evidenced by the fact that Al-Kadhimi had visited Presidents Trump and Biden, but that did not help him assume the second term. Therefore, the Sudanese visit does not go beyond activating previous agreements and signing new agreements in the fields of security, armament, and the exit of American forces from Iraq and drawing A scenario for this exit, in addition to joint cooperation on economic and investment issues.  link


CandyKisses:  MP calls for the return of $215 million belonging to the Iraqi bank


First Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee Alia Nassif on Saturday called on the Prime Minister, the Public Prosecution and the Director of the Iraqi Trade Bank to put an end to the people who drain the money of the Iraqi people by looting the bank’s funds.

She said in a statement received by the information that “the Iraqi Trade Bank lost $ 215 million as a result of issuing judicial rulings in favor of the so-called (AA) and the so-called (SNA), which raises suspicion of the existence of cooperation between them and some influential within the bank.

“Nassif stressed the need for “concerted efforts between the government, the judiciary and the director of the bank to recover the money from these two individuals and cooperate with the bank’s management in the campaign to recover all the funds that leaked during the previous years25.”


CandyKisses:  Iraq announces that it is close to producing 5 million barrels per day

Baghdad – Iraq Today:

Oil Minister Hayyan Abdul Ghani confirmed that Iraq is close to reaching an extraction capacity of up to 5 million barrels of oil per day, while revealing the current volume of gas production, indicating that Iraq is ranked 12th globally in the volume of storage.

Abdul Ghani said in a press interview that “the Iraqi oil industry plays an important role in shaping the future of the national economy, and plays a great responsibility in supplementing the economy and advancing its burdens, especially with its reliance mainly on oil amid serious and real attempts to diversify the national economy and its sources of income.”

He added that “the Ministry of Oil is approaching coherent steps to reach in the extraction sector an extraction capacity estimated at 5 million barrels per day despite serious restrictions on oil markets and restricting the quotas of OPEC countries in order to support the stability and balance of prices.”

“This comes amid real fears of upcoming climate restrictions on the oil sector, the latest of which was the texts of the COP 28 climate conference and its recommendations for a gradual shift away from fossil fuels,” he said.

He stressed that “the ministry’s efforts are concerted in the gas industry on the axis of new rounds of exploration, production rounds, associated and burned gas investment rounds, and work is continuing on the fifth and sixth rounds of border patches and patches of the promising western regions with gas reserves because of Iraq’s position in the global treasury that makes it ranked 12th in the world, and because of the importance of gas in meeting our national need and in the energy transition file as it is the cleanest fuel compared to heavy fuel, and this is in line with the recommendations of recent climate conferences.”

He pointed out that “the Ministry of Oil has paid great attention to investing gas in the western regions, which have a very large gas reserve, and therefore the ministry launched the fifth and sixth licensing rounds to invest it with the border areas, and the two rounds included more than 30 fields and oil and gas exploration patches, including 15 gas patches in the western regions, starting from the border with Syria and then Jordan down to the border with Saudi Arabia, where the provinces of Diwaniyah and Muthanna.”

Abdul Ghani pointed out that “there are 20 international companies that will contribute and we hope that Iraqi businessmen will also have a contribution to these licensing rounds, and we are fully prepared to qualify these companies in order to expand participation in the rounds, which will ensure Iraq’s self-sufficiency in gas and stop importing it, and Iraq may turn into a gas exporting country.”

The Minister of Oil pointed out that “Iraq’s current production of gas reaches 3200 million standard cubic feet (mqmq) per day, and the estimated investor of it up to 62% and the rest of the percentage of 38% is currently burned, and the current government since the beginning of its formation has set the goal of stopping gas burning at the top of its priorities.”

He explained, “It has been contracted to stop burning gas and its investment, and within a few years the entire quantity will be completed and stop burning and we have developed a road map to invest its large quantities, and perhaps the last project completed last year is the project (Basra Angie Al) with a capacity of 200 million standard cubic feet of gas and was opened with the beginning of the formation of the government, and there is another unit in the Basra Gas Company with the same volume of energy with 200 million standard cubic feet and will start its trial operation in the second half of This year 2024”.

He continued, “We also have a gas investment project in the Halfaya field in Maysan with a capacity of 300 million standard cubic feet, which has reached advanced stages, and within one to two months, the trial operation of the project will be completed and this quantity will be invested and directed to the national grid and power stations, especially the Amara gas station, as well as we have a project in Dhi Qar Governorate with a capacity of 200 million standard cubic feet implemented by Baker Hughes International for gas investment in the Nasiriyah and Al-Gharraf fields, which has also reached advanced stages. The first phase will be operational during the second half of this year, while the second phase will be operational next year.”

Abdul Ghani pointed out that “the ministry’s contracts and efforts are continuing in the project of the French company Total, which includes 3 main events in addition to oil production, and the most important of its activities is the investment of 600 million standard cubic feet of gas that is currently burned in 5 oil fields: Majnoon, Al-Lahis, West Qurna 2, Artawi and Al-Tuba, and it will be implemented in two phases by 300 million standard cubic feet for each stage, and they will end over 5 years, the first 3 and the second two years.”