TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Thursday 5-23-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

HappyWelshGuy:  RV Update – The Truth

Tony, is quite correct the RV will happen soon…….But not yet

This is what is really happening…

There is a carefully, orchestrated plan in effect, that is being meticulously monitored

Tier # 1 and Tier # 2 is currently being financially hydrated

When this is completed to the satisfaction of the Alliance then and only then will Tier # 3 be financially hydrated

When this is completed to the satisfaction of the Alliance then and only then will Tier # 4 (US) the internet group be financially hydrated

Everything is currently “On Track” and moving to expectation

If everything continues to expectation, then Tier # 4 should be financially on or about JUNE 15th with a back wall of July 4th

It is “NOT” going to happen today, tomorrow or this month

However, Tony is right

It will be our time soon

Nothing will stop this except for a 911 type event

Remain positive and in anticipation

My source actually sits on a special committee formatted for the very specific purpose of the timing of the revaluation to take place

June 15th, is not that far away so remain patient and be in expectation


Fuze:  Don’t get me wrong, it is possible this could extend to early June but the point is, it’s suspicious for the reasons stated in this widely distributed all of a sudden mysterious source. There is legitimate Intel from literally the horses mouth that June was a best Target month of Dr. Shabibi (bless his sole) why?

Because he said ” the “project to delete the zeros with the rate change should be done at the beginning or middle of Iraqs fiscal year” FOR ACCOUNTING purposes!

June is the middle of their fiscal year at present. In addition, one time in the past when the project was postponed in 2012 it was earmarked to go June 2013 according to a declassified MOF document and US Congressional Report.

These are well documented facts in video format and documents from non Maliki, non social media credible sources!!! So early to mid June would not be a surprise,


Tishwash:  Economist: We are experiencing a good financial year and the rise in salary expenses must be reconsidered

The economic expert, Safwan Qusay, considered Iraq’s fiscal year “good,” while stressing the need to reconsider the rise in salary expenses.

Qusay said, during his hosting of the program {Free Speech} broadcast by Al-Furat satellite channel this evening, that: “

The process of implementing the program of the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani requires {operational and investment} spending, and there are priorities voted on by Parliament, and it is held accountable for achieving these goals, so the process of allocating financial allocations To achieve these goals, it requires scientific foundations and program costs. So far, the issue is items, not programs, costs, accounting, and the establishment of a unified treasury in order not to wait for schedules, and in order for it not to be repeated in 2025.

The government is required to set estimates by establishing a unified treasury and spending and collection units on a daily basis
Parliament is one case, as they both seek to achieve their goals.

– We are facing a good year, considering that oil prices are above $70, and zero oil and other imports will contribute to reducing expenses and increasing revenues.

– The government is seeking to establish investment projects parallel to oil revenues, and the increase in salary spending needs to be restored Consider

-The timetable determines the mechanism for disbursing expenditures as it tries to move from items to programs –
Government achievements for the year 2024 can raise cash revenues

– Federal ministries must be coherent and complementary to one another, as increasing non-oil revenues enhances the value of the dinar. Iraqi, and the need to reconsider the nature of contracts with foreign companies.

-International prices change, so if the financial foundations are understood by the government, it can certainly change them.

The Ministry of Finance is required to assume that the project that it cannot finance is a source of income that is subject to investment.  link


CandyKisses:  Sudanese arrives in Najaf to open projects

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani arrived on Tuesday morning in Najaf province.

According to his media office, the visit is part of a series of field visits to the governorates.

In a subsequent statement, his office indicated that al-Sudani had launched the executive work on the upper threshold garage project, which is multi-layered (Najaf Grand Garage) in the center of the city.

Al-Sudani also launched the work of the tablet glass production project in Najaf Industrial City, the first project of the sovereign guarantees initiative for the private sector, with a production capacity of 800 tons per day.

Al-Sudani also launched the executive works in urban development projects for the southwestern side of the Haidari courtyard, during his visit to the city of Najaf.

Al-Sudani stressed that the visit to Najaf comes within the periodic visits to all our governorates to follow up on the progress of services and implement priorities in infrastructure projects and economic development, in addition to the province’s privacy that necessitates attention and dedication to it.

The Prime Minister indicated that infrastructure projects have a great deal of attention, and there will be follow-up by specialized teams present in the governorate for the purpose of overcoming obstacles, noting the development of additional financial allocations to the governorate, and that there is a follow-up to the lagging projects that are being completed, as the focus is on infrastructure and service projects, because they are the basis of any development process.

He explained that the multi-storey garage project comes in line with the government’s vision to alleviate urban problems in the center of Najaf, including improving infrastructure, using renewable energy, sustainability of the green environment, and facilitating and streamlining the movement of visitors and serving them.

Al-Sudani announced the approval of a package of important projects related to the threshold, which were included in the 2024 budget tables, namely:

– The project of expropriating buildings located on the southern side of the Holy Shrine, at a cost of 65 billion.

– The project of Al-Afaf Women’s Hospital, at a cost of 10.312 billion.

– Carpet washing project for the Haidari plate, at a cost of 3.406 billion.

– A project of acquisitions for the development of the southern side of the Haidari courtyard, at a cost of 75 billion.

– The project of constructing the tunnel of the Prophet (PBUH) 12 billion.

– Tusi tunnel project, farewell square, at a cost of 16.4 billion.

– Adaptation of the Haram and Abu Talib Gallery, at a cost of 11 billion.

– Equipping Al-Afaf Hospital, at a cost of 11 billion.

It is noteworthy that the multi-storey garage project (Najaf Grand Garage) consists of eight floors and a capacity of 2,500 wheels, and includes 4 parts, and the standard of preserving the architectural identity of the city of Najaf was adopted, as it includes a tunnel linking the new Hajjah Street and the Haidari courtyard, in addition to tourist and recreational facilities.


CandyKisses: :  Within the 2024 budget. Sudani announces a package of projects for the upper threshold

Baghdad Today – Baghdad

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani announced on Thursday (May 23, 2024) the launch of executive works in urban development projects for the southwestern side of the Haidari Sahn.

The Sudanese Media Office said in a statement received by “Baghdad Today”, that “Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, launched the executive work in urban development projects for the southwestern side of the Haidari Al-Sharif courtyard, during his visit to the city of Najaf, which he arrived on Thursday morning.”

According to the statement, Al-Sudani stressed that “the visit to Najaf within the periodic visits to all our provinces, to follow up on the progress of services and implement priorities in infrastructure projects and economic development, in addition to the province’s privacy that necessitates attention and dedication to it.”

The Prime Minister indicated that “infrastructure projects have a great deal of attention, and there will be follow-up by specialized teams present in the province for the purpose of overcoming obstacles,” noting that “additional financial allocations are being made to the governorate, And that there is a follow-up to the lagging projects that are being completed, as the focus is on infrastructure and service projects, because they are the basis of any development process.”

He explained that “the (multi-layered garage) project comes in line with the government’s vision to alleviate urban problems in the city center of Najaf, including improving infrastructure, using renewable energy and sustainability for the green environment, and facilitating and streamlining the movement of visitors and serving them.”

According to the statement, Al-Sudani announced “the approval of a package of important projects for the shrine, which were included in the 2024 budget tables, namely:
– The project of expropriating buildings located on the southern side of the upper holy shrine, at a cost of 65 billion.
– The project of the Afaf Women’s Hospital, at a cost of 10.312 billion.

– Carpet washing project for the Haidari plate, at a cost of 3.406 billion.
– A project of acquisitions for the development of the southern side of the Haidari courtyard, at a cost of 75 billion.
– The project of constructing the tunnel of the Prophet (PBUH) at a cost of 12 billion.

– Tusi tunnel project, farewell square, at a cost of 16.4 billion.
– Adaptation of the Haram and Abu Talib Gallery, at a cost of 11 billion.
– Equipping Al-Afaf Hospital, at a cost of 11 billion.

It is noteworthy that the multi-storey garage project (Najaf Grand Garage) consists of eight floors with a capacity of 2,500 wheels, and includes 4 parts, in which the standard of preserving the architectural identity of the city of Najaf was adopted, as it It includes a tunnel linking the new Hajjah (Aj) Street and the Haidari courtyard, in addition to tourist and recreational facilities.