TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Tuesday 3-19-2024


CandyKisses:  Iraqi move to build the largest solar power plant

Economy News – Baghdad

A member of the parliamentary oil, gas and natural resources committee, Sabah Sobhi, revealed on Tuesday an Iraqi trend to establish the largest solar power plant.

Sobhi said that “the renewable energy law is in the process of discussions and is incomplete so far, and the committee is working in cooperation with the Energy Committee to launch legislation on renewable energy, pointing to “the parliament’s interest in legislating this law during the current session.”

“The largest solar power plant in Iraq will be built after the law is enacted,” he said, adding that “so far the site has not been determined, but approval is in the process of obtaining it

CandyKisses:  Urgent Baghdad governor announces suspension of Tuesday working hours due to rain

{Local: Euphrates News} Baghdad Governor Abdul Muttalib Al-Alawi announced the suspension of official working hours for Tuesday in the departments of the local government of Baghdad due to rain and bad weather.

A statement by the governor’s office, a copy of which was received by Al-Furat News, said the disruption came “based on the decision of the Baghdad Provincial Council.”

Several provinces announced the suspension of working hours on Tuesday due to the rains, and Baghdad’s education directorates suspended their schools.


CandyKisss:  Sudani reveals progress in ending foreign military presence

Baghdad – Iraq Today:

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani confirmed progress in ending the presence of the international coalition during his meeting with German Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Tobias Lindner and his accompanying delegation.

A government statement explained that “Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani, German Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, received Tobias Lindner and his accompanying delegation.”

During the meeting, Al-Sudani stressed “Iraq’s welcome to the presence of German companies and their participation in development projects and infrastructure construction,” pointing to “the government’s continuation in expanding the investment environment and attracting global expertise, especially with the launch of the development road project and the associated opportunities, and the imminent signing of an agreement by Iraq with Siemens, and other German companies, in the field of gas investment associated with electric power generation,” according to the statement.

“The state of stability and security achieved today in Iraq, and the growing capabilities of our security forces, confirm progress in ending the presence of the international coalition and shifting to bilateral relations with member states, especially in the context of the defeat of the terrorist remnants of ISIS,” al-Sudani said.

According to the statement, the Prime Minister touched on “the current situation in the Gaza Strip, and Iraq’s endeavor to deliver the necessary humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip under aggression, and to support efforts aimed at a ceasefire and prevent the expansion of the conflict,” and called on “the international community to take responsibility in stopping the approach of aggression and the war of genocide to which the Palestinian people are exposed.”

The statement added, “For his part, Lindner expressed his appreciation for the size of development, economic growth and security improvement witnessed by Iraq,” stressing “the German government’s continuation in activating the joint action plan signed by the Sudanese with the German chancellor, during the recent Sudanese visit to Berlin.”

He continued, “He also expressed his country’s support for the government’s steps to end the presence of the international coalition in Iraq,” expressing “Germany’s readiness to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement with Iraq in the security and military fields, as well as its support for Iraq’s position on the need for a permanent ceasefire in the Palestinian territories, and to help the Palestinian people.”


Tishwash:  Iraq sends technical and military committees to several countries to purchase advanced air defense systems

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, announced today, Monday, the sending of technical and military committees to several countries to contract for the purchase of advanced air defense systems.

Major General Rasoul said, according to the official agency, “Iraq has contracted French radars and a batch of them have arrived, and we are proceeding to
complete the radar system in general,” indicating that “there are low-, medium- and high-range radars.”

He added, “The Air Defense Command is capable of radar detection and monitoring the movement of aircraft within Iraqi airspace,” noting that “the Military Command, led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, confirms the first priority of the Air Defense Command systems.”

He stated that “there are technical and military committees that visited a number of countries and made offers to them, along with reviewing anti-aircraft weapons,” pointing out that “when contracting for weapons or advanced systems, this will be announced.” link