Wealth Committee: The oil and gas law is not compatible with the ambitions of the producing governorates

Wealth Committee: The oil and gas law is not compatible with the ambitions of the producing governorates

Sabah Sobhi, a member of the Oil, Gas, and Natural Resources Committee, affirmed on Monday that the Federal Ministry of Oil drafted the Oil and Gas Law without considering the Ministry of Natural Resources’ and the oil-producing governorates’ comments.

“The Federal Ministry of Oil created the draft oil and gas law, and the region’s and the oil-producing governorates’ opinions were not taken into consideration,” Sobhi stated.

“The current draft is similar to the 2011 draft and does not fit with the aspirations of the people and the oil-producing provinces,” he continued, adding that the draft oil and gas law is still being discussed technically by two technical delegations from the Kurdistan region and the Iraqi Oil Ministry.