Iraqi Finance Minister Meets World Bank and IMF

Iraqi Finance Minister Meets World Bank and IMF

The annual Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were held in Washington, D.C., from April 15 to April 20, 2024. The meetings included general sessions, seminars, and side consultations that addressed issues related to global economic challenges, economic development, and financial stability.

Minister Sami began her involvement by attending a ministerial meeting that was presided over by Kristalina Georgieva, the managing director of the IMF. The conversations zeroed in on techniques to keep up with macroeconomic solidness and oversee obligation manageability, as well as sharing bits of knowledge and encounters in regards to financial changes, reinforcing organizations, environmental change, and supporting harmless to the ecosystem projects.

In addition, Minister Sami attended a meeting with Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, Executive Director of the IMF, to discuss the possibility of Iraq participating in special support programs to enhance the financial sector’s performance and initiate partnerships with the fund.

In continuous gatherings, Priest Sami held a coordination meeting with Iraq’s IMF mission boss, Jean-Guillaume Poulain, examining possibilities for Iraq’s financial development through the public authority’s change program pointed toward supporting development in both oil and non-oil areas. The Al Faw Port and other important infrastructure projects, as well as projects in energy, agriculture, industry, transportation, and other areas of sustainable development, were also discussed in the discussions.

Minister Sami met with Jihad Azour, Director of the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department, in a related meeting. A variety of economic issues and important expectations for fiscal policy dominated the discussion. Iraq requested a non-financial technical support program from the IMF in order to add specialized expertise to the country’s financial sector. Azour emphasized the fund’s commitment to supporting the Iraqi government’s financial, banking, and monetary reform initiatives.

The yearly gatherings unite national bank lead representatives, money and improvement pastors, confidential area pioneers, and agents from common associations and the scholarly world to examine internationally critical issues like the worldwide financial standpoint, destitution destruction, monetary turn of events, and help adequacy. The occasion highlights studios, territorial briefings, question and answer sessions, and different exercises zeroing in on the worldwide economy, worldwide turn of events, and the worldwide monetary framework.